Players in Munich, Germany

By Katsuyori, in Warhammer Invasion Community

I am looking for players in Munich . Somebody interested?

drop me a line at [email protected] - maybe i can help

Katsuyori said:

I am looking for players in Munich . Somebody interested?

Why oh why can't you play Thrones :( We have a good little group always looking for new players.

As for W:I, I might have a suggestion, if Thorondor hasn't already taken care of everything. Feel free to E-Mail me under Also, if you'd like to try out Thrones some time, get in touch with me, I'd be happy to give you a demo and play a few games. You'd not even need cards of your own, we could supply everything needed.


in Augsburg we are playing sometimes WHI (in our "gaming club": )

and if you should have enough time or sometimes visit Augsburg, you can drop me a message, i m always happy to play a game of WHI

@ sch4fchen: Thank you for your reply. I will contact you as soon as I am near your place.

@ Thorondor: I will contact you as soon as I return to Munich. Still stuck in Franken until December

@ Ratatoskr: Are you a friend of Ulrich and Moritz? If yes: I am this guy who never has any time because ihe´s stuck in Franken most of the year. Maybe they told you about me. Already played GoTh. It is a great game, but my lack of time just allows me a limitied set of playing rounds, which mostly goes to the game i am collecting myself, WH I. But do not worry, as soon as I return I will drop by sometimes and we can have some match :) . I will have more time after my graduation

And to all: Thanks for answering. Good that there are still people in Munich (or at least Bayern) gaming. Keep ot up :)

You know, there are Invasion players in Franconia too. Drop me a line if you're in the Würzburg area.

and of course all of you should seriously think about joining the Tourney of Stahleck!!!

I´ll think about Stahleck, but I heard that only german decks are allowed? is that true? Just have english, sorry...

@Mallumo: I am located in Hof, and I have seldomly any time to leave the place during week, but I will think of you when I come near Würzburg. I promise :)

Katsuyori said:

I´ll think about Stahleck, but I heard that only german decks are allowed? is that true? Just have english, sorry...

ehm what? where did you hear that?

that would mean that all the players from italy, poland, france, portugal, spain, netherlands, belgium and luxembourg are forced to play with german cards. not very likely!

anyway: i can guarantee, that all languages are tourney legal. so you might play someone using polish cards, however, in case of a conflict (wrong translation) always the english version takes precedence.

you can also find this info at the stahleck homepage.

(could be you are mixing it up with German Nationals, where only german cards are allowed)

Ok, that sounds better. So it´s an international competition, that´s grand. Do not know who told me that, though.