Source Book Question

By FireDrake2, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

I just bought the DH core rule book last week and haven't been able to put it down since. I am going to start creating a scenario for some of my friends, so i plan on buying more source books. Anyone out there have some advice on which ones to get and which ones are a waist of cash? I am deffinitly getting the Inquisitor's Handbook as well as Creature's Anathema,

any and all help is appreciated.

There's actually a couple reviews written by fellow forum posters.

For the Disciples of the Dark Gods:

And for Inquisitor's Handbook:

I have both of those and the adventure book, Purge the Unclean. Personally, I like all of them. They're pretty light on mechanics/stats and heavy on fluff, but that's good if you're trying to write original material. If you like the adventure in the core book, "Illumination," Purge the Unclean is three of the same or better quality one-offs. You could work 'em into a larger campaign if you liked, though I haven't tried to do that yet.

thanks for posting the links, they are very helpful. As was your comments.

I love the new mainbook and just got the Disciples of the Dark Gods. I plan on getting the Inquisitor's Handbook and the Creatures Anathema.

Every DH product is worth it with the possible exception of the Character Folio thing. Although those have never been my cup of tea.