-1 pkthecat
-1 pkthecat
tikitiki said:
tikitiki+50/0 thanks 2 my self
tikitiki -infinity thanks to myself and champ please let me handle it last thing i need is more posts without refs thank you.
+1 GTrogi
-1 pkthecat (scammed)
updated to here .
+1 Darkwing Duck
adding more words so its not to short to post...
+1 nobody thanks again for the trade
-1 pkthecat i knew that trade was to good to be true
pkthecat -1
Scamming cards, i waited til now just to be sure but the momment he all of a sudden got 3 more SRU from set 2 i knew it was most likey a scam. Also when he said he wouldn't trade with Champ if he had to send first.
things we need to watch out for people - to bad *sigh*
fate +1 haha thanks agian for the trade
A plus 1 has been earned by Thechampishere for a while. Sorry it took so long to write it.
Darkwing Duck +1 - Excellent Trader!
+1 to CapnCrunch. Sorry about taking to long to post this.
Darkwing Dark +1
I got your cards. Thanks and it was really a quick trade!
+1 Eroecchi
Thanks for the quick payment
+1 Darth, Fate, Kiro, Ecomics plus an update.
+ 1 to Ichiban829
+1 to demonlord
Thanks for the quick payments guys!!
+1 Roxas_Lawliet
Thank you!
thanks so much for the trade
+1 to sungtrs.
Thanks for the trade.
+1 Digi_Dude_78
Np thanx for the trade, looking forawrd to trade again
amphillips +1
Thanks for the cards.
AMphillips +2
+1 Sungtrs, +1 EComics21
amphillips +1
Thanks for the cards sir! Lemme know when you recieve mine!
+1 WaytotheDawn and another +1 to EComics21
+1 DarkwingDuck and +1 Fate