I'm new to the forum and to the game.
I had burning drachens brought for me but it didn't have the english version of the rules.
It will be very difficult to return it so can I get a download in english from somewhere?
I'm new to the forum and to the game.
I had burning drachens brought for me but it didn't have the english version of the rules.
It will be very difficult to return it so can I get a download in english from somewhere?
You sure can - right from this site! Check out Catalog, Wings of War, and Support. Here is the link: Burning Drachen Rules
Peppermeister - many thanks for the link, at last we can get on with shooting down balloons!
kharas1 said:
Peppermeister - many thanks for the link, at last we can get on with shooting down balloons!
Hopefully shooting down
balloons soon as well...