Have any of you continued on past Maggots in the Meat? I recently ran that as a lead in, and let two of the Slaugth escape to lead the investigation further afield. SPOILER ALERT!!!!
Those of you with Snowtiger as a GM, read no further. Dain, I'm looking at you.
The setting of the feudal world was quite interesting and fun. The Slaugth themselves seemed to be dialed up pretty 'ard, but such is life in the 41st millenium. The Acolytes in our party went out looking for dead bodies to sell, trying to find other contacts like Sneed and Snoop or whatever their names were...can't remember. Anywho, being a sandbox style GM, they were able to find another set of corpse movers, who indeed planned on using the skymill as a drop. At the same time, the escaped Slaugth were perpetrating a nightmare in the rank and file of the army laying siege to Olrankan.
Cliff Notes: the group split, the acolytes at the wall hearing the screams of they dying out in the swamp and choosing to investigate. I layed out a grisly scene of carnage for them to find, and the feudal troops already reacting badly, with massive desertion. Needless to say, they called for the rest of the acolytes to join them and track down the perpetrators of the heinous slaughter.
What I really enjoyed doing, though, was fleshing out the Slaugth. I decided that they'd made contacts with the Lady in charge of the ensiegeing army (Falatrix, was it? I have to stop posting these at work...) The Acolytes discovered a hidden tunnel, and I really tried to hammer in the creepy, tension building feel. The tunnel was smooth, hidden by Xenos technology. There was no obvious source of light, though a dull red glow illuminated the entire tunnel in a way that cast no shadows. I sweetened the pot by making the tunnel constantly curved, for no reason the acolytes could discern...just to illustrate their alien thought process. Most disturbing to my group, however, was the strange power source they located at the end of the tunnel, in a large room directly below the Lady's "palace". (I guess for a feudal world, it counts as one...) A smooth column of silvery metal, from floor to ceiling, with no markings or apertures. A thin film of blood slid down, somehow folding into it somewhere around the middle. The Slaught sprang from concealment, and in the process of dodging, one of the acolytes discovered the red liquid was blood when he braced himself on the pillar...bloody hand!!!
The next challenge will be prepping their next adventure. I'm not sure yet whether this group will continue to investigate or play their "call in the big guns" card on it yet. It'll be interesting discovering what other vile xenos tech might exist in the town, that the greedy nobility was trading their foes' souls for.