Looking for advice on putting a Tau based campaign together, new GM

By BurpsPyscho, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Hey all :) I''m hoping to set up a DH campaign for my RP society but having never GMed before I could do with a great deal of help and suggestions.

The premise for the campaign is that a planetary governor on the border between Tau and Imperial space is allowing the Tau to have a presence on his world, albeit a small one. He's managed to persaude enough of the local powers in the Imperium that it's to their benefit to have some of the Tau there, as it can be used to covertly gather information on the Empire and their movements. Despite this, the Inquistion is, naturally, keeping a very close eye on the man and the planet in case things get out of hand and the Eccleshiary is up in arms.

The situaton is highly tense and volalite, with mobs of humans frequently attacking the Tau compound, resulting in the Xenos setting up a highly effective defense. Any human believed to have Tau sympathies is usually found murdered in the morning and the Arbites are facing an increasingly unstable situation. To add to that, despite the best efforts of vigilanties, many humans have settled into the Tau compound and it is slowly growing.

On an offical level, both Tau and Imperial agents are fighting a shadowy war to try and influence important officals and orgainsations, and highly skilled and loyal humans that the Tau have bought in from elsewhere allow them to hold their own in these conflicts. While the struggle is not openly spoken of, the signs of it are quite evident and vicious.

The Throne agents sent in are newly recruited and fresh to the Inqustion, their Inquistor has several teams on the planet already (that they know nothing of) and he wishes for them to simply gather information, believing it to be a good test of their abilites. Obivously, it's not a good idea for them to openly fight the Tau and so they'll have the IDs of normal workers and citizens (to be created depending on what careers and backgrounds my players pick up).

I'd love for ideas to flesh my campaign out and to start writing it up properly. Also bear in mind that I'm a brand new GM, so more general advice on putting a campaign together and running it would also be welcome. :)

I've somehow managed to doublepost, I'd be grateful if a moderator deleted this thread.