Ballistics question

By TheMoo2, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

What determines the maximum weight of an object some one can lift with the psychic power Ballistics? i know your PC determines the Projection bonus or the area effect of the ability but it never talks about weight, some help would be appreciated.

Sounds like you will have to make a decision as GM. Because it doesn't specify weight in the specific description of Ballistics, you could just say that it can be anything.

Ballistics is only one level higher than Minor Psychokinesis, and its only main difference is that you can increase the number or precision of the flying objects.

So alternatively, you could just use the level of success of the Ballistics attempt and reference that same number on the Minor Psychokinesis chart for the max. weight of each object. (this is what I'd do)

I get the impression that the objects you throw with "Ballistics" are relatively small. I am thinking things like gravel or knives. If their is a weapons rack near by, then you could probably use the weapons. But you don't think you are throwing boulders or warships around. I think the damage comes primarally from the the TK force, not the mass of the object being thrown.

If you want to effect a object that couldn't be picked up easily by just about any character, then I think you should use a different power.

In my game, I consider it an additive to Psychokinesis, thus the character has to have the items they want to throw already maintained through Psychokinesis. Once they do, only then can Ballistics be used.

Well since someone had already made a topic on Ballistics help I thought i would pull it from the graveyard.

I've been playing with the idea of making a Mentalist and when I came across Ballistics, and In my head I came up with my character carrying quivers of arrows. And using the area effect of the attack saying using like 10-20 arrows, I would think you would get the bonus of Rain of projectiles, but I'm uncertain of this so I thought I would put it out their for other people to think about. I've jumped back and forth from reading Ballistics and Rain of Projectiles and from my understanding their isn't any reason combining their effects wouldn't work.

A close reading of the power reveals that you can hurl a wide range of objects, it makes mention of "...a simple dagger to thousands of huge rocks."

The only real limit is what the GM imposes. It also notes that objects thrown have a range of damages based on their form. While I vehemently disagree with some of the recommendations and interpretations I've read here it's ultimately it's up to your GM. How one chooses to interpret huge is a matter for debate.

RE: Rain of Projectiles

It doesn't exactly work because it starts to get a little OP. If your game is about high powered antics its fine, but the character can completely decimate units with the RoP rules in effect. The power is good enough as follows:

My numbers might be a little off but ballistic attacks incurr a -80 to parry, -30 with mastery, -20 with shield (I think), -0 with both. Dodges are also penalized though not as badly... look up dodging ballistic attacks, i think it's -20. With mastery there's no penalty to dodge, 200 final dodge isn't something you'll see everywhere though.

As an Area attack however it is still a ballistic attack and can only be dodged if the targets have enough movement capability to escape the area. This has a couple of effects.

It is potentially undodgeable if they have already moved in the round and didn't take the penalty for moving and acting they may not have enough movement to escape the area and will be forced to block. If targets haven't acted yet and choose to dodge they may have to exceed their normal movement rate incurring the penalty for moving and acting anyway, or even full move resulting in no active action for the round (We've fought heavily armored foes where this is the case).

Additionally as an Area Attack the base damage of the ammo is increased by 50%. so if you do what I do, load up on Pistol shot, the base damage of your attacks is 90 (base 60+50%). To this you add your WP bonus as strength. A respectable WP will probably get about +20, so base damage is probably around 110 for your Area attacks.

Range is based on Projection which is better than bows and guns.

The major limits on the power are:

ammunition is distinctly 1 use, after firing it goes "beyond the reach of the psychic's power to manipulate further" or something. It's been a running gag at my table as my psychic has used the bodies of fallen foes as ammo and so watching them fly up chimneys and out windows so they can't be hurled again is pretty funny. With pistol shot this is also rather expensive (though Atomic Restructuring can make this a non-issue).

Area attacks are indiscriminate and so lose their value once melee begins.

The power's base activation is 120, a little steep for low level characters to hit reliably, by the time they can the need for the ability to attack energy, either to hit insubstantial or bypass dmg barriers, makes the power obsolete (since magic ammo is hard to come by).

So it's good, but not all powerful.

I'm currently a noob and in the process of getting my first Anima group together, but from a GM standpoint, I would probably rule that the objects capable of being affected by Ballistics would require two things:

1) The object is not being held in place by other objects, and is therefore free from being trapped by the environment.

2) The character is physically capable or psychically capable of moving the object already, and by that I mean able to push it so it will budge in a noticeable way (i.e. overcome its inertia).

A good example of this would be using Ballistics in a library. Let's say Bob is a psychokinetic mentalist, and that **** tacky table in the centre of the room must go! He can only use a bookcase full of books, for his imagination is a little limited. Now, he is strong enough to lift a book, so he could use ballistics to throw the books (either a weight equal to what he could move or just all of the books, still thinking on that one, probably the former) at the table to attack it. He is not able to move the bookcase, however, either through his physical strength or his other abilities, and is therefore unable to to use ballistics on it. This demonstrates rule 2.

For rule one, let's say that Bob is fully capable of moving the bookcase. He decides to throw the bookcase using Ballistics at the table, but as there are a lot of books already on it, it is not possible from him to use ballistics unless he can also use it on all the books, which if we are using the rule that he must be capable of moving the total weight himself, he is not capable of it in the case. This shows rule 1. Another example is that, if the object is embedded already into another object, it must be removed before it can be thrown again. If a sword is stuck in a tree, it cannot be throw using ballistics, as it is currently being held in place by the environment, or in this case, the inside of the tree.

What do you guys think?