Does anyone know what sets are coming out for 2009 and when they are scheduled to release?
Does anyone know what sets are coming out for 2009 and when they are scheduled to release?
Well, I don't know exactly for the year 2009, but I have a website where you can see future packets coming out.
WWW.Tisinc99.Com and search for it. I really can't wait for the Endless Darkness Packet!!!
Nobody said:
Well, I don't know exactly for the year 2009, but I have a website where you can see future packets coming out.
WWW.Tisinc99.Com and search for it. I really can't wait for the Endless Darkness Packet!!!
Does FFG communicate with the player base at all? No upcoing set info and no major tournament scene...kinda weak.
Swisherfan said:
Nobody said:
Well, I don't know exactly for the year 2009, but I have a website where you can see future packets coming out.
WWW.Tisinc99.Com and search for it. I really can't wait for the Endless Darkness Packet!!!
Does FFG communicate with the player base at all? No upcoing set info and no major tournament scene...kinda weak.
Right FFG is working on a secret project for Kingdom Hearts CCG (I think I have a pretty good idea of what it is, but for those that like surprises and for my respect of FFG, I'm keeping my mouth shut so don't ask)
Plus you have to remember that each set has to be okayed a few times so things tend to take a while. Once the project is complete, I'm sure FFG will have a new set out. The only other thing that you all have to realize is that KH CCG dies after the 7th set in Japan comes out or once they can't make anymore savor it while you can.
hey can you guys cut that secret project crap out. its annoying kind of like when your little brother is running around saying i know what your getting for your birthday and your all ooo oooo ooo what is it what is it and then all your anticipation and excitement goes flying out the window when your birthday comes and you get a pair of pants then you just end up being mad i for one dont want to be mad with FFG an you guys arent helping with your littel brother like comments.
Darkwing Duck said:
hey can you guys cut that secret project crap out. its annoying kind of like when your little brother is running around saying i know what your getting for your birthday and your all ooo oooo ooo what is it what is it and then all your anticipation and excitement goes flying out the window when your birthday comes and you get a pair of pants then you just end up being mad i for one dont want to be mad with FFG an you guys arent helping with your littel brother like comments.
Believe it or not, I don't spread rumors, or ideas without claiming them as such. Those were Jaffer's exact words, he didn't say what, but it was hinted at on more than one occassion, ie why I'm not saying a word.
im not saying they arent working on anything but those comments are annoying say this "surprise" sucks than you would have built up all this anticipation just for a big let down and im still trying to get over the disapointment from set 3 i dont need to be kicked while im down.
Darkwing Duck said:
im not saying they arent working on anything but those comments are annoying say this "surprise" sucks than you would have built up all this anticipation just for a big let down and im still trying to get over the disapointment from set 3 i dont need to be kicked while im down.
How was set three a disapointment? i think it was alright, as all sets have they're bad cards. I'm not saying it's good...however I am not saying it's bad. Most should enjoy it though.
the wait it took to be released built it up to such a high and it was a sub-par set it wasnt worth the wait so just plain disapointing.
Darkwing Duck said:
the wait it took to be released built it up to such a high and it was a sub-par set it wasnt worth the wait so just plain disapointing.
It reason it takes so long is because they have to go through so many approvals and legal stuff. Actually alot of good cards came from set 3, but the other thing is that if they were to rush sets, the game would die soon. Unless they get premission to make new cards after that last set in Japan.
if jaffer told you about a suprise why didnt he tell the rest of us that seems unfair not to sound like im mad at you roxas i just would have liked a little post or thread or something
Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:
if jaffer told you about a suprise why didnt he tell the rest of us that seems unfair not to sound like im mad at you roxas i just would have liked a little post or thread or something
Because it was when I emailed him about affliating with local stores and their concerns for the "health" of this game. Technically he never told me what the surprise was either. Just sit back and enjoy the wait boys, If what I supect holds true, it will be worth it.
so any news on Endless Darkness
This seems awfully weird to me as well since I emailed Jaffer recently about the status of this game and have yet to recieve a response, and that was over a week ago...I wonder why he would hint at something like that with you, while I am kept in the dark.......seems like something isn't adding up......I think you just need to spill what you think it is, cause it's more than likely just another random "official" tournament, or OP finally.
WayToTheDawn said:
This seems awfully weird to me as well since I emailed Jaffer recently about the status of this game and have yet to recieve a response, and that was over a week ago...I wonder why he would hint at something like that with you, while I am kept in the dark.......seems like something isn't adding up......I think you just need to spill what you think it is, cause it's more than likely just another random "official" tournament, or OP finally.
Dude that was so long ago I dont even know if I have the emails for it anymore. I haven't emailed him since he started taking only Truffles, Sora Y, and your emails. I'll see what I can find in my email box and try to remember but 10 months is a long time. lol
a 10 month secret...yeah, this one should be good
....10 months?!
sir...whatever he was eluding to probably isn't happening anymore, I didn't know it was so long ago...
...seems irrelevant now if ya ask me.
WayToTheDawn said:
....10 months?!
sir...whatever he was eluding to probably isn't happening anymore, I didn't know it was so long ago...
...seems irrelevant now if ya ask me.
Well if you noticed I posted that in Feburary and it's now Nov-Dec, so 10 months.
ugh...had I realized this was an old thread I wouldn't have even posted...guess I should have paid more attention to the the same time though, a thread that was 10 months old shouldn't have been revived when there were other relevant newer threads on this topic.
A word to
: This is why thread Necromancy is generally frowned in the future just make a new thread if the older one is more than a few months saves on the confusion... kthanxbye.
My apologies for the confusion Roxas .
WayToTheDawn said:
ugh...had I realized this was an old thread I wouldn't have even posted...guess I should have paid more attention to the the same time though, a thread that was 10 months old shouldn't have been revived when there were other relevant newer threads on this topic.
A word to
: This is why thread Necromancy is generally frowned in the future just make a new thread if the older one is more than a few months saves on the confusion... kthanxbye.
My apologies for the confusion Roxas .
Don't get mad at RoxaSoraX because your an idiot. He/she simply asked a question about a possible future set in 2009 (although 2009 is almost over) and you ignored his question and jumped to the old conversation from 10 months ago. You cant yell at someone because your oblivious and a moron. You tell people to use the search function to prevent forum clutter then you get mad when someone does. Your simply a ******. No one even answered his question. Shame. Pay attention kthnxbye..
Mr. Incredible said:
...blah blah blah because your an idiot . Blah blah blah blah blah because your oblivious and a moron . Blah blah blah blah blah. Your simply a ****** . No one even answered his question . Blah blah blah kthnxbye..
I sense a disturbance in the peace.
Querry to you, Mr. Inc:
Why use such words? Why, after so long of silence, do you come about with words that merely aim to put someone down? Am I to believe that you simply cannot let a past grudge be left alone, 'n merely want every petty chance you can gather to poke at an old wound so it won't heal? By all means, before another stupid 'flame war' breaks out over a simple question, please do just it. It's not worth the time or effort to get all bent out of shape over a tiny matter such as this.
Along said note:
WayToTheDawn said:
...blah blah blah blah old thread I wouldn't have even posted ... blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah 10 months old blah blah blah blah other relevant newer threads on this topic . Blah blah blah blah, just make a new thread blah blah blah blah kthanxbye . Blah blah blah blah blah.
I'd hate to have to agree, Mr. Dawn, but Mr. Inc. has a point.
The search function, though defective as it is, is meant to bring out the older stuff, just for the ideal reasons of preventin new topics over ancient materials, such as the next set, 'n to prevent us from obtainin useless clutter topics as 'Hay, wen is we gittin teh new cardz lolz!', or other nonsense. One really cannot be blamed for doin exactly as told, nor can one point a finger at another for askin a mere question.
While I understand that you hadn't seen the date of the prior conversation, it wouldn't be right to blame RoxaSoraX for revivin this chat. I'm rather curious meself bout the upcomin set, along with its potential whereabouts 'n the sort. All RoxaSoraX did more was actually ask the question.
'N to RoxaSoraX :
I really wish I could tell you news on the newest set, but I wouldn't have a single clue where to begin. The last I heard, there was news (as you can see via Roxas 'n Mr. Dawn's posts) concernin the future of the game, but alas, naught do I know nor can tell you if there's an update, seein as we really haven't obtain'd any information as of late.
My apologies that we cannot be of more use to you right now.
Thanks guys for the update. I just stumbled across it searching for booster boxes on google and I searched it here and this topic was the only one that popped up so i thought i ask. I just started the game last month and i really really like it, im actually talking to some card stores in my area about carrying the game since Target never restocks. Also trying to get some tournaments in Philadelphia.
But i will be watching the forum in case of an update. If anybody finds some Jap. singles from this set can I get the link (if one exist) But again thanks for the update everyone =)
@WayToDawn: I dont know why you had to be so ignorant, all i did was ask a question in the correct forum. SORRY if it confused you? =/
bahahahaha, mr. incredible is talking again... oh and it's insulting someone.... weird
I too wish to be the bunny rabbit.
RoxaSoraX said:
@WayToDawn: I dont know why you had to be so ignorant, all i did was ask a question in the correct forum. SORRY if it confused you? =/
Tee-bee-haych, everyone's in the wrong here. If you thought you should have necroed because you were told to search, then tell us that first. There's no need to get embroiled in pointless flame wars because of a misunderstanding. We're all pretty understanding people around here (Apart from Mr. Incredible, but that's a story for another time), and if you tell us why you think we're wrong we'll take it into consideration.
Now. Since Mr. Incredible has been in this thread, it's just an opportunity for trolling. So, we have a choice now: Get on with the thread's topic and then let it die again, or face my trolling powers at 90% efficiency. I am not in a good mood today and I would very much like to take that out on someone, so if Mr. Uncredible returns, I will troll this thread until it's nothing but a crater.