RoxaSoraX said:
@WayToDawn: I dont know why you had to be so ignorant, all i did was ask a question in the correct forum. SORRY if it confused you? =/
I wouldn't call it being "ignorant"...I was merely saying that Necroing a thread is generally frowned upon when there's other, more up to date threads that are relevant, I was just stating an opinion, no more, no less. I didn't mean to come off as an ass about it, 99% of posts like mine are misconstrued because you can't hear the tone of someone's voice over the I will apologize to you if I sounded like a ****, I most definitely didn't mean to....although I did have a feeling it would be taken that way....but hindsight is 20/20 I suppose.
Contrary to what Mr. Incredibly Dumb likes to say about me...I am a nice guy...I've yet to figure out what his problem with me is exactly as no one else on this forum feels the way he does....but I'll leave it at that and go on about my day.
Choitz answered your question to the best of any of our abilities so I can't help you anymore than he did, but if we find out anything new, we'll be sure to let you know...again, I apologize if what I said was taken the wrong way sir.