West Coast, Bay Area Players: Regionals Information

By Fieras, in Warhammer Invasion Community

As shown on the following page: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=2107, you can see we have upcoming Warhammer: LCG regionals in a little over a month.

Currently, the only regionals competition west of Minnesota is the Bay Area regionals being held at Kublacon (www.kublacon.com). Please check out that website for any pertinent information.

Registration for the regional event (Sunday, may 29th at 5pm) is free. You will, however, need to register for the convention itself (Can be done at the Kublacon link above). Its about 40 dollars for the weekend (Fri-Mon). However, we are accepting volunteers for the weekend. If you give me 8 hours of your time over the weekend, I will give you free admission. Please email me at ccg@kublacon.com for additional information.

The prizes for the convention are amazing. I am not sure how many people will be showing up, but attendance will nearly guarantee you a prize of some sort. Additional prizes provided by Kublacon in addition to the $150 dollars of prize support from FFG will be fair game!

I look forward to seeing many of you at the convention/regionals event. Please don't hesistate to email me with any questions.


So sad it is late on Sunday! llorando.gif

But I will be there for fun games the whole weekend.


Yeah, I understand sunday night wasnt ideal, but if i did it at another time it would have conflicted with the agot regionals and melee.

Fieras said:

Yeah, I understand sunday night wasnt ideal, but if i did it at another time it would have conflicted with the agot regionals and melee.

Glad I was able to make it due to plane difficulties!

Sorry I lost so bad to you in the finals! :)

Haha. If you and Jesse wouldn't have come back, I probably wouldn't have even played. Only reason i did was to give us a round number of players!

Hey, got me building decks again!!! lengua.gif

I haven't played since regionals.

I might play with Ronnie, Rave, and Brooks at some point, but the game just doesn't grab me like AGoT does.

So will this also be held again this year cause I know quite a few of us who would be interested in playing in it

We are new to the game we live and play around Manteca