Got Honours?

By Jkilla41, in Deathwatch House Rules

First off, I love the idea of honours, and so do my players. In fact many of my players are striving to gain certain honours and they keep track of what they are and where on their armor they are. But, I it also says in the book that you should create your own honours to expand the collection. So I wanted to open up this thread to people who have created their own honours, both Chapter and Codex, for their players that they would be willing to share.

I think it would be best if we formatted it like this:

Name and overview

Description (physically speaking)


Im interested to see what y'all come up with! gran_risa.gif


Jkilla41 said:

First off, I love the idea of honours, and so do my players. In fact many of my players are striving to gain certain honours and they keep track of what they are and where on their armor they are. But, I it also says in the book that you should create your own honours to expand the collection. So I wanted to open up this thread to people who have created their own honours, both Chapter and Codex, for their players that they would be willing to share.

I think it would be best if we formatted it like this:

Name and overview

Description (physically speaking)


Im interested to see what y'all come up with! gran_risa.gif


There are some mentioned, described and discussed here:

Jkilla41 said:

First off, I love the idea of honours, and so do my players. In fact many of my players are striving to gain certain honours and they keep track of what they are and where on their armor they are. But, I it also says in the book that you should create your own honours to expand the collection. So I wanted to open up this thread to people who have created their own honours, both Chapter and Codex, for their players that they would be willing to share.

I think it would be best if we formatted it like this:

Name and overview

Description (physically speaking)


Im interested to see what y'all come up with! gran_risa.gif


One Thing I had done prior to this honour system was to create purity seals. An easy way of doing it was to use an online latin dictionary and just through terms together since the imperial lingo is a psuedo latin. Another way was to take mottos from modern military units, here is an example of each way.

Fragilis Immortalis- This seal on a weapon makes it immune to destruction when used to parry another weapon or vice versa. (Simular to relic effect)

Toujours Pret(french for always ready, 2nd cavalry of the US army motto)- The wearer of this seal gains +1 to their initative.

I grant a new purity seal every time a character advances with some ceremonial pomp and circumstance from the Watch Captain.