Cornering rules misprints ?

By Tim Kelly, in Moto Grand Prix

On page 9, under "The Turn", is the first time "Checking for Position" is mentioned. At this point, the position check for the end of a corner is referred to as the "racing position". For the rest of the rulebook, it is referred to as the "cornering position". This is no big deal, but the other misprint might be.

On page 9, under "Check Position", the cornering position is described as "the first position of a straight tile after a corner". On page 10, under "Cornering", this position is described as "the end position of a corner".

Seems like the proper point for "cornering" is the first position of a straight tile AFTER a corner. What do y'all think?


My FLGS is supposed to get this today. Can't wait to play!

Got to play this later that day. Played two races using the 'expert' rules. Great game!


My feeling is that it could be the last space of a corner, or the first space of the straight, after the corner.

I think we need clarification.