User Collections

By caradoc, in The FFG Website

One of my mates and I often consider each other's collections when buying games so we don't double up - some of the FFG games he owns are some of my favourites - but I can't list them as so unless I add them to 'my collection' - which I don't really want to do because they are not in my collection.

So - It would be nice to be able to list a game as either owned and/or played.

This way I could have 'played' games in my user collection that I don't actually own. This in turn would allow me to select games I don't actually own as favourites should I choose to do so.

Not really necessary I suppose, but there you have it. A small suggestion.



Good idea. I'd like to add some as "play occasionally and enjoy it" without looking like I own it.

I'd like to see something similar added as well.

I love Twilight Imperium, but I don't own a copy as I know enough people who do.