I know that I'll get a lot of replies along the line of "What the HELL are you doing?" but this thread isn't about whether or not it is a GOOD idea but to humbly seek advice on its implementation.
Explanation for WHY this house rule is being used and a bit of backstory:
My player group are not fans of the percentile system and the whiff factor of early to mid level characters. Only having a 50% chance at success (usually MUCH less) left a bad taste in their mouth. Yes I know most of you will roll your eyes and call them ******* or whatever but that isn't constructive and that's not the point. It is the status quo and I, as the GM, had to adapt in order to keep them playing!
So I decided to include the Fate Point System from WFRP 3 which essentially boils down to this mechanic:
Players keep track of Fate Points with small tokens.
- There is a party sheet set in front of everyone.
- Whenever a player does something that impresses me and/or the other players, has a great idea (whether actually implemented or not) or shines through with particularly good roleplaying, I put a token on the party sheet.
I do this instead of dishing out small rewards of extra experience points to individuals
Once there are a number of tokens on this party sheet equal to the number of players, I dish them out to everyone, essentially re-charging their Fate Points a little.
- CAVEAT: no one can have more Fate Point tokens than the maximum written on their character sheet. If Fate Points are dished out and a player already is at their max. quota, they either use one immediately or lose it.
The players love this mechanic, because everyone's good moments help out and rewards the party as a whole and they get to use a few more fate points than before.
Here's the PROBLEM:
Blood of Martyrs introduced Faith Powers. These use up Fate Points. Suddenly, the PCs can use them MUCH MORE OFTEN. UH OH.
Here is my proposed solution:
If a player uses a Fate Point in order to use a Faith Power, they do not discard the Fate Point as usual. Instead, they replace the Fate Point they just spent with a different colored token. From that point on, that Fate Point token counts toward their maximum amount, even if he/she can't use it anymore.
Eg.: PC has a maximum of 3 Fate Point tokens at any one time. He uses one to fuel a Faith Power, and replaces the Fate Point token with... I dunno, a penny. Later on, the party sheet dishes out a new Fate Point to everyone! Hooray! But that PC can't gain one because he is considered to already be at "full" (two regular Fate Point tokens + the one that's been... uh...turned into a penny).
Do you think that this could work?
Also, are there any other Fate Point related Talents that I'm not thinking about which may be messed up because of this house rule?