One off game - pre generated chars and how to make them

By VarniusEisen, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Hi Guys,

I've got a one off game to run this weekend, I want to make some pre gen characters at about level 5 but I don't want to make them over powered.

What would you suggest for the number of skills & talents at that level? I've wracked my brain and come up blank.

If you don't want to make them overpowered, don't run them at level 5! That's like creating a party of 12th level D&D characters (I'm talking 3rd ed where there were only 20 levels). It won't make learning the system easy either and character gen will take an age.

Try running them as Rank 2. That way they'll have had enough XP to feel like more than blank slates, but will still be 'reasonable'.