Question about pike man.

By Morpsele, in Battlelore

Hi i'm still new at battlelore and i just bought the scottish war expansion.

I was wondering if my knight is attacked by a pike man do they ignore 2 yellow shield or just one. On the knight card it's says to ignore one and on the pike man agaisnt cavalerie they ignore one so i was wondering if i have to ignore 2. Thank you so much.

Let me see if I understand your question. You're asking if a mounted unit attacks a knight with a lance does he ignore one or two sword on shield hits?

In this case the Knight with lance would only ignore one sword on shield hit. Usually the knight with lance would ignore two sword on shield hits (one for being mounted and one for being a knight). But a longsword does not take the penalty of having one sword on shield hit canceled and almost all mounted units have the longsword.

I hope that made sense and I answered your question. If I didn't clarify your question for me and I'll answer it again.

Morpsele said:

Hi i'm still new at battlelore and i just bought the scottish war expansion.

I was wondering if my knight is attacked by a pike man do they ignore 2 yellow shield or just one. On the knight card it's says to ignore one and on the pike man agaisnt cavalerie they ignore one so i was wondering if i have to ignore 2. Thank you so much.

Oh wow I just reread your question and it was much more clear this time. I didn't answer your question at all. Let try again. Yes the knight would ignore 2 sword on shields. You are correct that the two different benefits stack. One is ignored because a spear man is attack a mounted unit and one because the unit being attack is a knight.

Thank you Very Much for the quick responce. I am sorry if i did'nt make myself clear. I have the game in french and therefore i am not tottaly sure about the unit's name in english. I am trying to translate.

No you were clear it was my fault. I must have misread your post the first time because I read it again after my first reply and it made perfect sense to me then.

Ignore this post - see others have answered...

The Big probleme is that the forum is not seperated and its really hard to see if some question already have been asked or not.