
By Corwyn77, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I was recently checking prices at Starlit Citadel, a Canadian online seller and I noticed Road to Legend was listed as a pre-order. Is RtL out of print or is this just an issue with their distributor?

I'm contacting them as well but I figured I'd get a quicker response here, and possibly a more accurate one.

I think RtL is currently at the end of a print run, so the fact that it's on pre-order is probably referencing the upcoming reprint. I'm not saying this from any position of authority, mind you, it just seems like a lot of people are saying they can't find it right now.

I highly doubt RtL is out of print for good just yet.

I'm in western Canada, one store I visited had to order it in, didn't mention there might be a problem, but while I was looking found another store that carries almost everything Fantasy Flight. If it's waiting on reprint, some stores still carry it, just have to look around.

Shatteredragon said:

I'm in western Canada, one store I visited had to order it in, didn't mention there might be a problem, but while I was looking found another store that carries almost everything Fantasy Flight. If it's waiting on reprint, some stores still carry it, just have to look around.

Me too, Saskatoon, so the stores that carry ffg is exactly one; no luck. I'll have to settle for attempts at 'fixing' Sea of Blood. I'm certainly not paying ebay prices, or shipping from the States. I'll look around for some more Canadian places that ship.

Oh, and according to Starlit Citadel, it's on pre-order because they can't currently get it at all. Their best guess was this:

"There's no expected reprint date as yet from FFG so we can't provide an idea of when it will arrive. At least 4 to 5 months since the game hasn't even gone to the manufacturers' yet."

Can anyone confirm this.

I have better resources since I'm in B.C. I may have lucked out on getting the one I did. Can't help yah with when they'll do a reprinting though.