OK, so my players have managed to break 'Rejoice for you are True'. To be precise, the psyker caused a phenomena which jammed all ranged weapons and fried/forced a reboot of all tech- Theodosia was caught in the effect. I ruled that his bionics seized and left him stunned and prone for a round, figuring that they were too far away from him to get there and break him in time. Unfortunately, the two closest characters were hivers, one of whom was carrying a great hammer, the other a club. They both got into CC and made repeated called shots to his head until it burst. They (and the party psyker) then quickly despatched the hired thugs (either forcing them to flee with fear aura or with more Hammertime thwacking), looted Orday and Theodosia and left before the Magistratum arrived.
Obviously, this presents me with something of a problem- how to carry on with Theodosia dead. My current plan is to have his body stolen from the morgue, and a record from his ocular implants downloaded by his superiors, who will be dealing with Shoal- sort of like Darth Tyranus and Darth Maul with the Trade Federation. However, I'm not totally happy with this solution, as it gives them no warning at the Alabaster Court, especially since they have no knowledge of the Serrated Query, and have only met one of its' operatives, whom they didn't speak with.
Part of me is tempted to swap out the Serrated Query for the Temple Tendency, and have Verence or maybe Krin the go-between, with Theodosia being the muscle lieutenant.
Ideas, anyone?