Movement through a pit occupied

By gran_orco, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This is the situation:

At the start of each OL round, each hero must been moved by the OL one space to the nearest pit. Due to this rule, one hero end his movement in it. Next hero is adjacent to the pit, so he cannot enter because it is now occupied by the first hero.

Later, the OL moves a razorwing and end its movement on a pit space. What happens when another monster without flying is moving through the razorwing? Must it spend 3 points to jump the pit, or should be it treated like any other space? I think that the monster must jump the pit, although the razorwing is occupying it (it is not an empty space, is it?). The OL moved all the monsters through it without penalty sorpresa.gif .

Another question: can a flying monster attack from an space with an obstacle that blocks movement if it ends its movement in another space after the attack? Can a hero attack it with a guard order? (ie, the hero has LOS to it).

gran_orco said:

This is the situation:

At the start of each OL round, each hero must been moved by the OL one space to the nearest pit. Due to this rule, one hero end his movement in it. Next hero is adjacent to the pit, so he cannot enter because it is now occupied by the first hero.

Is there a question there?
The next hero would be probably be pulled one space around the pit - not further away. Or maybe just stay since he can't be pulled any closer than he is.

gran_orco said:

Later, the OL moves a razorwing and end its movement on a pit space. What happens when another monster without flying is moving through the razorwing? Must it spend 3 points to jump the pit, or should be it treated like any other space? I think that the monster must jump the pit, although the razorwing is occupying it (it is not an empty space, is it?). The OL moved all the monsters through it without penalty sorpresa.gif .

The monster without flying takes 1 wound for moving into the pit space, and costs 2MP to move out - exactly as if the razorwing was not there. The only difference between the razorwing being there and not is that the other monster cannot end it's movement in that location. Or it can jump the pit.

gran_orco said:

Another question: can a flying monster attack from an space with an obstacle that blocks movement if it ends its movement in another space after the attack? Can a hero attack it with a guard order? (ie, the hero has LOS to it).

Yes. Acrobat prevents this, flying doe not.
Yes, a hero with a Guard order can attack it. LOS is clearly not blocked 'into' blocking obstacles, only 'through' blocking obstacles. Because otherwise Trees and Masts would break the game. Can't see into them = can't attack a figure in them = game breaks down..

I agree with Corbon's answers for all points.

gran_orco said:

The OL moved all the monsters through it without penalty sorpresa.gif .

I sincerely hope there was some kind of consensus on that point before the OL went ahead and did it. At the very least a die roll to decide how things will be played for that session. The Overlord player doesn't have any more right to change the rules (or decide how to handle obscure questions) than anybody else at the table. If there's a majority agreement, that's one thing, but if the OL is just arbitrarily deciding how to handle ambiguous situations without getting the approval of the other players, that's not right.