Looking for Players in the San Diego, CA Area

By Ironhelm, in Battlelore

Any players in the San Diego, CA area interested in getting together to play some Battlelore? Email me and we can set something up.


Hello just saw your post I might be moving to San Diego and I just got Battlelore and all of the expansions. I love it so far!! There is alot you can do with this game. I will keep you updated because I am waiting for a job out there and if I get it I will definitely be moving out there. I also have other games if you are interested such Dust Tactics, Dark Heresy, Warhammer invasion, and Deathwatch. I am concerned about finding new gamer friends down there.

Good luck on landing the job and let me know what happens.

will do hopefully I will hear something Monday the manager was on vacation this week.

Hello, I am not sure about BattleLore since I do not know of that particular game but willing to try. Also if somehow you guys get together and do a Deathwatch 40k session, I got one extra guy who be into that.

hey just found this forum when searching for battles of westeros players in san diego. i got the game for xmas with the first two expansions two years ago. i have only played a few times and still have alot to learn. i would to join you guys for a game every once in awhile. let me know if you are interested. apologies for the lack of capitalization, typing from my phone.

sorry just realized that this is for battlelore, i would love to learn if anyone has the patience to teach me.

Ironhelm said:

Any players in the San Diego, CA area interested in getting together to play some Battlelore? Email me and we can set something up.


New to the game as just introduced to it via the VASSAL implementation. Own none of the components, but very eager to play! Please feel free to drop me a mail at lvbehar at yahoo dot com.

Update: Got my hands on Base game, CTA, Epic and have been playing a bit now.

I wrote a longer post but lost it due to this sorry network at my workplace. In short, I bought into the game when it came out and never got a chance to play it much. I am very interested in trying to get back into it with some local players. I live in Chula Vista, CA, and mainly play at At Ease Games in Poway, CA. Please let me know if any of you would like to get together.



I just signed into the forum and saw your post. There is a Vassal Tournament going on now and another one is getting started. Here is the link:


If you want to get together some time and play face-to-face we can do that. Maybe meet a game empire.


There is a vassal tournement going on and another getting ready to start. Here is the link:


If you want to get together sometime for a face-to-face game let me know.


Ironhelm said:

There is a vassal tournement going on and another getting ready to start. Here is the link:


If you want to get together sometime for a face-to-face game let me know.


I don't use Vassal, so in person would be best. Please PM me, because I hardly ever check here anymore.


i am just move in San Diego, CA. and i am searching a player . so if didn't got player then i would like to join you.

San Diego CA Locksmith