Warhammer 40kRP Armory

By unnownrelic, in Rogue Trader

Sooo how come the edges are cut off when I pull these up? Is it because I'm on a Mac? Such an awesome resource so close, and yet so for. Its so sad. Can we get a version of this in a different format? I'll be your friend for a whole day!


The Emperor hates Macs!

Is that normal that all I see in tables is column titles and nothing more? Quite frustrating =(

Could it be open office issue?

I agree that there should be a version with no hidden cells at all. Reading this thing on Android is… very difficult. You have to figure out how to select all the hidden cells and unhide them…

You can do that on macs and such, even without the pluses that make it easy, but having the fields hidden in the first place offers no actual additional value.

Oh, hidden cells. Silly me, I haven't noticed that numbers of rows are skipped.

Thanks a lot for pointing on that!

Archy Crowshield said:

Oh, hidden cells. Silly me, I haven't noticed that numbers of rows are skipped.

Thanks a lot for pointing on that!

It took me 2 hours to figure it out back when I found this. I kept wondering why everyone was raving about this incomplete document.

unnownrelic said:

Original Post.

You sir, are amazing, much kudos to you.

I'll look what can be done about the hidden cells. I don't want to take care of several versions of the same document, so it's either/or.

No idea what to do about the Mac problem. I don't even know anyone with a Mac to fiddle around with. If someone can hand me a solution, I'm happy to implement it, though!

It 's great to see this amazing ressource is still supported

Thanks ebarbarossa happy.gif

There an update for this floating around somewhere with the latest books content included?

Draconicus said:

There an update for this floating around somewhere with the latest books content included?

Tha latest updates are always posted in this very thread as soon as I come around to do them.

By the way, this is what I'm working on right now:

Name Type Faction Pg.

Bestiary Specific
Clawed Fiend Beast Dark Eldar, wild 8
Creeping Stalker Beast wild 10
Khymera Beast, Daemon Dark Eldar, wild 12
Killian's Bane Beast wild 14
Medusae Sentient own, Dark Eldar 16
Mukaali Beast wild 18
Razorwing Beast Dark Eldar, wild 20
Sand Tiger Beast wild 22
Shadowkith Sentient own 24
Species X-10198.RK Beast own 26
Terrorax Beast wild 28
Thornmaw Beast wild 30
Unquenched Beast, Sentient own 32
Ur-Ghul Dark Eldar, wild 34
Void Kraken Beast wild 36 starship sized!
Dark Reaper Sentient Eldar 49

The next addition to the armory will be a list of all NPCs and where to find them.

eBarbarossa said:

Draconicus said:

There an update for this floating around somewhere with the latest books content included?

Tha latest updates are always posted in this very thread as soon as I come around to do them.

Cool. I'll watch this thread for updates!

Greater Praise: This is really terrific! A fine resource indeed.

Minor Quibble: There's a section labelled Tools of the Trade that should perhaps be Hostile Acquisitions. Was the book released under seperate titles?

This armory is fantastic. It's a wonderful resource.

Update time!! The latest version can be found at:


It has a separate 'Bestiary' tab that lists beasts and NPCs and such. Tell me what you think and how to improve it. Apart from that, I added gear found under the NPC stats that wasn't covered under the armory sections of the book.

@susanbrindle: Tools of the Trade is the name of the chapter featuring all the gear in Hostile Acquisitions. Don't know why unnownrelic named it as he did, but I'm loathe to change anything he did that wasn't an outright error.

@Plushy: Thanks! :-) That's why I'm continuing it.

Well well well, the latest Version of the Armory, V4.18.130108, can be found in my mediafire folder at


It features a new Tab with Character options, such as Talents, Skills, Elite Advances and has all the gear from the Lathe Worlds included. Enjoy!

Next up: Soul Reaver

And on we go! V4.19.130116 features The Soul Reaver with all kinds of Dark Elder deviltries, drugs, poisons, vehicles and character options. You can find it at



It's listed as .18 not .19…?

Also I hear the new Rogue Trader book, the Iniquity one adds a huuuge amount of options for customizing gear as xenotech, archeotech, etc.

Gavinfoxx said:

It's listed as .18 not .19…?

Also I hear the new Rogue Trader book, the Iniquity one adds a huuuge amount of options for customizing gear as xenotech, archeotech, etc.

Yes, but…

These are not individual options, instead you take a base device and then modify it based on the result of a roll.

For example, let's say I get a piece of armour. I the roll next says that it's Power Armour. I roll and determine that it's of Xenos make. Then I roll and see that it's of Eldar make (Peerless Elegance) making it half the weight and never needing to worry about power supply, but it doesn't enhance Strength. Next I roll for a Quirk, perhaps it's Lucky giving me a bonus Fate point to use (but not burn) while wearing it. Lastly I roll for Craftsmanship - Best Quality here will drop the weight in half again and make for a really swell suit!

So, yes it can give some really neat things, but do yuo really want an entry for every possible combination in the Armoury?

Depending on your preference for 'realism', there may be issues a PC needs to address before using such armour if they find it…

Does he/she have a similar body shape/size of the Eldar the suit was made to fit? Highly unlikely. It is 'realistic' for a human tech to modify such armour to fit the PC? Might such an attempt degrade the armour?

As I see it, such as item would be great for a trophy room, but is unlikely to be usable in practice.

Iirc, in D&D magic armour simply adjusted itself to the wearer. That doesn't happen in RT (often)…

I still think that the armory needs to be updated a bit more!

After all, how else can someone ask the GM, "So… how many ship points for a Best Quality, Potent, Modified Drive Lathe 2B?"

Okay, here is the latest version of the armory. It contains the Navis Primer, complete with psychic gear, powers and character options as well as new adversaries. Also featured are the web enhancements for The Soul Reaver and The Lathe Worlds.

You can find the armoury (V4.20.130307) here: http://www.mediafire.com/?rrzcb3ir74cib

@Gavinfoxx: You are right; I screwed up with the version name last time. Won't happen again, I hope.

The treasure generator will not be covered. It needs a file all of it's own and other have already covered that. I'll mention that it exists, but that'll be it, sorry.

Other building kits, like the one for daemon weapons, haven't been covered either, in the past.

Greetings, citizens! The latest version of The 40kRP Armory is online. Version 4.22.130322 contains Deathwatch - Mark of the Xenos with it's numerous alien threats and weapons and Black Crusade - The Tome of Fate which not only features the servants of Tzeentch but also a sizable chunk of Necron lore and equipment. Enjoy!


eBarbarossa said:

Greetings, citizens! The latest version of The 40kRP Armory is online. Version 4.22.130322 contains Deathwatch - Mark of the Xenos with it's numerous alien threats and weapons and Black Crusade - The Tome of Fate which not only features the servants of Tzeentch but also a sizable chunk of Necron lore and equipment. Enjoy!


hi I send you an email a week ago, but now I start to doubt whether its was the right address, did you receive any from me?

Dammit, my spam filter seems to keep all things RT-related. Will answer soon!