Greetings, denizens of Fantasy Flight Games' forums! Have you ever wanted a handy place to look at equipment? A quick reference for that particular special weapon ability does? A side-by-side comparison of the various hulls of Rogue Trader? One place where you can look at the equipment for a Space Marine and an Acolyte without having to crack open two different books? Look no further than this handy quick reference guide! All included in an easy to use Excel sheet, this covers all four of FFG's 40kRP games: Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, and now Black Crusade. It includes nearly every piece of player gear, their upgrades, their qualities, most vehicles, all the starships, and more! I've been posting this to another forum for quite some time now, and didn't even realize that FFG had their own forums, so I come now to you good sirs and ladies and present it, free for use for all!
There are two versions, different only in file extension, and both can be found below.
If for some reason clicking on the link doesn't work, feel free to just copy and paste it into your URL bar.
If, for some reason, this violates any copyrights, laws, or otherwise, I am more than willing to remove all traces of this from my files should Fantasy Flight Games request it, as well as delete this thread. No harm is intended. Also, I've posted this thread in the other three forums, as it pertains to their systems as well. Good luck, and happy dice rolling!
Last Updated: January 21, 2012
Current Version: 4.14.0121