1 Player adventure, Help please.

By Xytonion2, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

I was thinking to give a person I know a sort of special adventure just for her to introduce DH to her. Now I don't think the book or scenario's FFG has support this.

And I'm also a "new" GM. I haven't written any scenarios yet. I know I could just make one, but for starters I don't think my first scenario would be well good and balanced. I also want to impress her so that she would join the potential group I might have.

Also I'm currently in exams and don't have much time to puzzle over a scenario (putting one togheter).

So I was wondering if anyone had a scenario that would go for 1 person. Class she'll choose : unknow. I'll ask her if anybody needs it.

Thanks ahead!

I have an idea for a reasonable short and fairly stright forward one...

Its actually right out of Blind (BL book, you may want to pick it up).

Player/s sent to a psykers space station to investigate an 'impossible' murder. The murder victim is one of the administrators of the station, he was killed in his sealed room, no possible access and the room is shielded from psykic attack. Nobody was with him when he died. The agents job is to determine who is responsible for the killing.

The list of suspects are:

Female just returned to station, victim had a meeting with her and she is the last person to have seen him alive.

His second in command (Administratum), power hungry, but lacking in backbone, has a number of lackies (read: thugs) to 'maintain order' amongst the stations labour force.

His second in command (Psykanna), a powerful, but worn out psyker, seems decent enough, but prone to saying and doing unusual things.

Rouge Trader, mysterious individual who has not left his ship, but has a few 'agents' about the station.

Ok basic run down, as the agent arrives there is a riot in the docking bay, a number of dock workers are rioting and being engaged by the local arbites (who number barely half a dozen).

Once riot is under control player/s will meet the commanding arbite who will give them basic background of the station (astropathic waypoint, think telephone switchboard) and the background to the murder and the prime suspects.

The Female suspect will be found in the victims chambers, the Admin will be found wondering the halls in a near panic, and psykic will be found in teh great hall, monitering the astropathic waypaths, and rouge trader will be met later in the scenario. Once the admin is found, there will be a gunshot heard outside the chambers where a single arbite was on guard, he will be found, shot by his own sidearm, the corridor leading to the chambers is long and has nowhere to hide, or seek cover, yet no assilant is found.

At one point, there will be further riots breaking out in the docking bay, investigations (if the agent makes them) will discover that at both occasions agents from the rouge trader, plus the same henchman of the admins was present, the RT's agents will grab a couple of dock workers and attempt to abduct them, the henchman seems to be able to walk through the chaos unscathed by either side. The RT's agents are professionals, vet guards and assassins. If the agent is able to track them (they have camelion body suits) they will be led to the Rouge Traders ship, the RT is actually working for an inquisitor investigating rouge psykers and the people abducted have recently been under psykic control, either as the puppet or the master. The RT has a device that can nullify a psykers powers, but it only works over a very short distance.

Investigation into the henchman will lead to discover he has been at the centre of a number of outbreaks of violence on the station, violence with no apparent reason or cause, if the player/s have a psykic they may be able to discover psykic resonance from him, if no psyker in the party the psyker second in command will be able to if his assistance is sought.

To wrap up what actually happened... the henchman has developed unusual psykic talents, he is able to put commands into peoples heads and make them do what he wants, even after they are outside his area of control. He commanded the victim to run screaming through the station shortly after meeting the female suspect, shut himself in his room and shoot himself, he also made the arbite shoot himself, the riots were cause by him for 'entertainment'. He will also kill the admin second in command before he is caught, if the player/s do not have a psyker, they will need the assistance of the Rouge Trader to apprehend the henchman and neutralise his psykic powers.

This will need fleshing out, and the character names, etc I will leave up to you....

Hmmm well it shouldn't be tp hard to personalize a single player serino.

The best advice I can offer is tailr the game more to the player...froe example the type of skills and talents that the PC has. Add in an extra NPC as a lacky or maybe they are the villian working side by side to uncover some mystery in the upper hive. That gives you the option of showing the corruption and how you should never really trust anyone.

If you wanted I could take the extra time that I have and make something for you just give me the PC stats and the type and I can go from there.

RedSkull said:

Hmmm well it shouldn't be tp hard to personalize a single player serino.

The best advice I can offer is tailr the game more to the player...froe example the type of skills and talents that the PC has. Add in an extra NPC as a lacky or maybe they are the villian working side by side to uncover some mystery in the upper hive. That gives you the option of showing the corruption and how you should never really trust anyone.

If you wanted I could take the extra time that I have and make something for you just give me the PC stats and the type and I can go from there.

I will only know what class the PC will be, the generation will happen the day we meet. I want to show that part of DH to because it can be very funny. Thanks for the offer anyway! If you feel like making one you can always post it here, and you can do it for more players because the scenario I'm currently running is ending ;)
Ofcourse you can have the honour for writing it and I always tell the names of the persons who's scenario's I use to my players.

I think I'm going the use the scenario given, it allows me to change it to whatever class the PC picks and during game I can chance the bonusses or raise the difficulty depending on how well it is going.

Thank you very much both of you!

Trying to impress a chick eh? Heh, heh...right on!

Funny, I'm halfway through Blind right now.

Actually, single-player adventures are seriously the easiest. Be generous with NPC's and throw in a lackey or two. Be very descriptive and try to structure it like a good single-player computer RPG. It's a chick, so I recommend about 25% combat, 25% puzzles and 50% interactive dialogue.

Arbites and Assassins are really easy to make a good single player adventure for.

Here's an idea: Chicks like to play chicks, right? (well, according to Sony's research they do overwhelmingly). Ok, Sister, read Brotherhood of the Snake and turn the first couple chapters into an adventure. Instead of a Space Marine though, you have the single, solitary Sister on a solo mission to "prove herself". Good background, non-combat stuff to figure out and Dark Eldar to fight.

Wham, bam, Save the Planet, M'aam.