Island of dread

By Wuytackc, in Runebound

Question :

A quest of the expansion tells on the end 'turn this card face down beneath your hero card. It becomes a completed quest." What can i do with all the completed quests ?

Which booster packs can i add too this expansion ?

thank you,


If I remember correcly there are Events in this expansion where the Hero with more completed quests receives additional rewards.

You just collect the "completed quests" and perhaps you will benefit at a certain point, but this is not granted.

No adventure card expansion has been developed to merge with Island of Dread; both Adventure Variants and Challenge Expansions cannot be used with IoD. Perhaps extra Challenges will work in terms of gameplay but still you have different card backs, not very nice. These are intended to be used with the base game only.

Item expansions and Character packs can be used also with big box expansions, there's no limitation to their use.

Hopefully they're designing the next big box expansion to be a comprehensive add-on like Miskatonic Horror (Arkham Horror game); in the same box you'll find cards to expand base game and all published expansions. Everybody wants some new cards for his big box expansions...