Kingtiger said:
1.) When you have 12 Shermans, you could theoretically also move with 6 against one Tiger, for example.
2.) In your example one heavily damaged Sherman could act as the fire leader and have two unscathed ones combine with him. Those would then be better odds than just two Shermans against a Tiger.
3.) You mentioned somewhere that you'd never played a scenario that was unbalanced because of combined fire. Does that include "piercing the Siegfried line?". I agree that there are many more things wronmg with that scenario than just CF, but it's certainly a major unbalancing factor on turn 1. The same holds true for "Counter-attack at Orel", that is when playing with the listed set-up.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that mostly combined fire can be overcome by winning initiative, playing a card, most importantly an op-card of some sort and I don't even think the rule as written needs to be changed. I do think designers need to be more aware of its potential devestating effect and that more op-cards need to be designed to limit its effect (We now only have one which completely forbids it-"Massive Confusion"-I think we also need some limiting it, but not quite forbidding it: Sth like: The number of units that may combine fire is limited to the number of actions per action turn or only adjacent units may combine fire or one command needs to be paid when wishing to combine fire (I actually like this one!; it's more or less an expansion on "Lack of tank radios" which only affects movement, but this way it'd also affect firing). More variants could be thought of and have already been suggested here. But I agree with Latro that it does not HAVE TO be a problem as long as there's a decision to be made: Do I go for the "sure" kill or do I need to keep on moving to make it to my objective in time? Do I use up X units in one activation or is it better to use three separate activations etc.
Put your 3 Tigers anywhere you want to on the boards and unless you design the scenario to force the 12 Shermans into some extreme bottleneck, or contrive some ridiculous artificial objectives that just have to be taken, forcing the Americans to ignore having to engage with the Tigers, or lose based on time, then the Tigers will get destroyed with as little a loss as 6 Shermans. Holing up in one hex in the corner of the board with 2 tigers in one hex can work, but its rediculous, because there are no such limits like board edges, and the Americans having "cornered" such a target would simply call in air strikes which would obliterate it rather than send in only 4 Shermans.
The reasons are many: 1. The normal range of the Tiger should be 12 hexes and the movement value of a Sherman should be 4. 2. Combined fire with unlimited no. of units causes "fantasy" odds, as if suddenly, now units weapons effectiveness is twice a high as the best weapon on the board: the 88 flak gun. 3. Thats another thing- the 88 flak should have a normal range of 16 hexes,, if the hex scale= 100 meters( which it appears to be). Its too bad, the designers decided to not take into consideration the no. of times a weapon can fire in a certain amount of time, and calculate how many hexes a unit could move before it gets shot at. It is OBVIOUS that this was NOT considered, which is why an 88 flak only has a normal range of 9 while a Crusader can move 7 hexes. ITS A JOKE!
Gun Ranges:This can be corrected by either changing ranges, or changing the dice to hit roll for Tiger, Tiger II, and 88 flak, to 4,5,6 at normal range, and for the 88 flakgun, change long range to hit dice roll to 5,6. Make close range for 88 flak, Tiger, Tiger II , and Panther dice roll to hit = 3,4,5,6
Combined Fire: get rid of it. Or if you just have to have it , then require each unit that participates spend an action also. This will limit the no. of units in each combined fire to 2-4 units depending on no.of actions/phase allowed by scenario
Movement: All movement is too high. Reduce movement value of Tanks and halftracks by at least 1 pt for every unit., or state that the movement value is the max value, and if a vehicle or tank unit expends all its movement points, must roll a breakdown die roll at the end of its movement, like 1.2,3, and the vehicle or tank is then lightly damaged. For squads, change clear terrain cost to 2 pts..