I have a question which has popped out in play a few times.
How does Dodge affect hits from FA when Cover is involved? Looking at FA the default effect is that the first shot hits where the dice say it does (reversed to find hit location), the second in the same location, and then it moves to adjascent body part according to a certain table. No called shots are allowed when firing FA.
Now normally when you Dodge against FA you dodge one extra hit per DoS.
So the question is: Does the "hit" dodge means bullets striking you directly only, or also bullets striking Cover?
Example: Scum is behind a Bar, exposing head and arms only. The Bar has say Armor Value 8 (heavy wood). He also has xeno mesh armor covering arms, body, legs and TB 4. Total soak is thus 8+4+4=16, thus even Manstopper rounds will not hurt him (although they will eat through the Cover eventually).
The player's rationale is that since he is using Cover actively he doesen't Dodge hits on the Cover but only hits on his exposed part (dodging behind the cover). I'm beginning to think that is wrong though, as you don't really know which hits are going to hit what, you just dodge the burst in general. Also there is the fact that all Cover is not equal and some will be insufficient.
So can an acolyte simply choose to Dodge only hits hitting his unprotected body? Or on a similar line of thought, can an armored individual choose only to dodge those that hits an unprotected head? When do you declare to dodge or not? The rules say "once a hit is scored, but before damage is rolled" thus it could be assumed that you know which body part it hits, and thus if you get cover there or not.