If anyone is yet to play this scenario then be prepared........ for abject disappointment and frustration. And I was the winner!?!
Anyone perusing this mission could probably tell at a glance that the Germans don't really stand much of a chance, but given the fact that this expansion took so long to arrive, one could be forgiven for assuming that it had probably undergone rigorous play testing and would deliver on all counts once the battle was underway. Not so. Really, not so.
The mission brief states that historically the Germans took a proper kicking. Good job too. After all those Germans were Very naughty and righteously deserved it.
But THIS IS MEANT TO BE A GAME. If I want history I'll watch a documentary.
TOI offers the best experience when gameplay allows for knife edge decision making, crucial prioritizing of actions and extemporaneous do or die situations. For me this evokes a narrative thread which is the connective tissue of a great game.
This scenario however allows for the Russians to do literally anything and still walk it. It really is fun for no one. I even tried going easy on my opponent - The redoubtable Woo Woo - but there is no way this even approaches a 'gaming' experience.
Its great that scenario designers are keen for feedback, but surely this is something that should happen way before they go to print ( It's not like FFG didn't have the time!), and certainly WAY before I spend 65 chuffing quid on the thing.
I know FFG spout something about 'supplying the tools' for a fan based community of gamers, but I don't want to write the rules, I just want to play the game and for 65 chuffing quid (did I mention that already?) I expect some one else to do the hard work.
Anyway, if anyone does insist on playing this debacle I would suggest :-
(i) Give the Germans the Tank Buster deck instead of the supremely useless Ground Support Deck
(ii) Make the Russians pay for using the Op cards from the very beginning and let the Germans use theirs for free.
(iii) Give the Germans at least 1 tree where Division 1 deploy to give the AT gun a miniscule chance of returning fire at least once.
(iv) German reinforcements on round 4: 1 Panther, 1 squad with officer and AT specialization.
And finally, If you are going to waste a few hours playing this by the book (we quit on round 6. A T34 was already sat on the bridge. The Soviet reinforcements were completely superfluous ) and you are playing the Russians, you better supply the beers to give the German player something other to do than pull plastic soldiers from ill fitting plastic bases.
65 Chuffing quid! Jesus.