I need a hand tweaking Tau

By Angerland, in Deathwatch House Rules

Hey all,

Getting ready to throw our round robin group through a mission against Tau. I am not trying to get too crazy with the rules and change everything as we want to see them in action forst, but, as a long time 40k TT gamer I wanted to include a few things not listed in the core book. Specifically Rail Rifles. My group can powergame with the rest of them and I am already going to have my hands full challenging them but I though these weapons might help.

My question: Can anyone giving me a hand stating these bad boys up? Honestly I have never played Tau as I am a long time Space Wolves/Blood Angels and now Carcharodons player.

Thanks all.

how powerful do you want them to be? personally when I included rail rifles in my game I made them standard plasma guns with a longer range, no maximal setting and the accurate quality. 3d10+9 pen 8 on a full aim was more than enough.

I also included fusion blasters on my stealth suits, basically meltaguns from the core rules

Your damage was just about spot on to what I planned. I am going to use them on snipe drones. I am making them elites and run them in a pack of 3 plus the controller. I figure I will add either Deadeye shot or maybe Sharpshooter and bump their BS to 40 or 45 since a controller is handling them and they probably have better optics than a regular drone. our group is big possibly 7 or 8 players, we play round robin so everyone takes a turn at running a mission or what not. Honestly I am not a fan of running at all but it will push us in to playing and hopefully those that do enjoy running will get the bug and I can sit back and play.

Sorry, I hope this is not too late, but remember to full action aim before firing, this gives a big boost of +30 to accuracy and is required for the full benefits of accuracy :)

Thanks for the tip!