Milwaukee area players

By Hida Katsu, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Any players in Milwaukee,Racine,Kenosha area want to play a game. I can get 4-5 players and we can maybe do an 8 player game. Let me know any weekend works for me.


I live in Whitewater, WI. An hour and forty minutes away according to Googlemaps. I kind of wish I was either further away or closer, so it wouldn't be a difficult decision.

Well we all kinda live spread out so we could find a middel ground.


Twilight Imperium requires a certain amount of space, which kind of limits options of just meeting "anywhere".

I know what I am about to say next is something I didn't like to hear when I was hosting games. So if you don't like it, you can reject it because it makes it hard for you to plan, and I won't take offense. But if you just let me know when and where you guys are playing next I may or may not show up. While it is a little far, it is not too far really if I feel like playing TI that day.

Can we Message each other on this board? Or is it not advanced enough yet?

I also registered on the Wiki board where about half of the people from the old forum migrated to. It is here:

I have the name Clove on this board too and you can PM me.

Oh hey, your name is Trevor. Are you the same Trevor who plays or used to play board games at the game store "Pegasus Games" in Madison? I'm guessing not given the distance, but thought I would ask. I haven't gone to a board game day at Pegasus in a very long time.

No that is not me.

Well I can see what we can do. i will stay in touch and let you know when we play again and we can go from there.


If anyone is willing to travel I can get about 8 or so guys together on short notice in the La Crosse, WI area. If a formal weekend was well set up I'd be willing to drive to the Whitewater area for a game. My hometown is Lake Geneva.

Hey, you should let me know when you go to Lacrosse. We could carpool. I haven't gone to Lacrosse for a game yet, but I've heard about TI being played there.

Hey, I know that I might be too late on this one. I am an avid TI fan, I always play the game when I get the chance. However finding the people is hard to do. But I might be able to help you guys out. The game store that was mentioned above (in madison) is one that I am familar with. I live in Central Wisconsin but visit Madison quite alot and regularly get a game of 6 people. I have also started trying to introduce the game to central wisconsin but have been met with alot of magic players that are not willing to try it. To the guys that are looking for a game send me an Email at [email protected] . Its an old email that I have set aside for finding gamers.