Alternate divination table

By Seneca2, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Hi chaps

Got a bit bored with the same old divination table (aftrer a few characters in the same group with the same divination). So i knocked up a broader table with some extra results. Please note there is still more or less the same chance of getting a 'bad' result or a 'good' result (ie +1 fate point). We just use this table now. Everyone in my group loves it, so feel free to use it as you wish.

Imperial Divination
01- Mutation without, corruption within. Begin with Minor Mutation
02- Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those that prosper may judge what is sane Begin with 3 Insanity Points
03- Sins in the heart turn all to decay. Begin with 3 Corruption Points
04- Dark dreams lie upon the heart . Begin with 2 Corruption Points, 1 Insanity Point
05- Every soul wavers between the Void and the Emperor’s light. Begin with 2 Insanity Points, 1 Corruption Point
06- Innocence is an illusion. Begin with 1 Corruption Point, 1 Insanity Point
07- When you stare into the warp, the warp stares back at you. Begin with 2 Corruption Points
08- Innocence proves nothing. Begin with 2 Insanity Points
09- Power corrupts. Begin with 1 Corruption Point
10- Choice is the one burden we need not suffer. Begin with 1 Insanity Point
11- Vengeance is yours. Begin with +1 Ws
12- Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Begin with +1 BS
13- The strongest are strong alone. Begin with +1 S
14- The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation . Begin with +1 T
15- To withdraw in disgust is not cowardice. Begin with +1 Ag
16- The truly wise are always afraid . Begin with +1 Int
17- Be watchful, be wary. Darkness stalks us all. Begin with +1 Per
18- To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor. Begin with + 1 Wp
19- Seek no reward except the satisfaction of thy master. Begin with +1 Fs
20- Only in death does duty end. Begin with +1 Wound
21- Through the destruction of your enemies gain your salvation. +2 Ws
22- Let the impure bow before your guns . Begin with +2 Bs
23- Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. Begin with +2 S
24- It is better to die for the Emperor than live for yourself. Begin with +2 T
25- Kill the alien before it can speak its lies. Begin with +2 Ag
26- Never forgive, never forget. Begin with + 2 Int
27- Every lone spirit doubts his strength. Begin with +2 Per
28- Faith is your shield. Begin with +2 Wp
29- Men united in the purpose of the Emperor shall live forever in his memory. Begin with + 2 Fs
30- The only true fear is dying with your duty not done. Begin with +2 Wounds
31- Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. Begin with +1 Ws, +1 Bs
32- Serve the Emperor today, tomorrow you may be dead. Begin with +1 Ws +1 Ag
33- The lot of courage is to be sacrificed upon the altar of battle. Begin with +1 Ws. +1 S
34- Carry the Emperor’s will as your torch and with it destroy the shadows. Begin with +1 Ws, +1 Wp
35- There is no arguing with the barrel of a gun.. Begin with +1 Bs, +1 T
36- Honour the craft of death. Begin with +1 Bs, +1 Ag
37- Analysis is the bane of conviction. Begin with +1 Bs, +1 Int
38- Wisdom is the beginning of fear. Begin with+1 Int, +1 Wp
39- Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. Begin with +1 Int, +1 Per
40- Seek honour as you act and you will know no fear. Begin with +1 Wp, + 1 Fs
41- A warriors death is honour itself. Begin with +1 S, +1 T
42- The martyr’s grave is the keystone of the Imperium. Begin with +1 S, +1 Wound
43- Find true strength through your strength of mind . Begin with +1 S, +1 Int
44- Pain is an illusion of the senses. Despair an illusion of the mind. Begin with +1 T, +1 Wound
45- Faith without deeds is worthless. Begin with +1 T, +1 Wp
46- No barrier will thwart your purpose. Begin with +1 Ag, +1 Per
47- There is only the Emperor, he is our shield and protector. Begin with +1 Ag, +1 Fs
48- Where there is uncertainty, bring light. Begin with +1 Per, +1 Fs
49- The Emperor is our guardian, but we must also guard the Emperor. Begin with +1 Per, +1 Wound
50- Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Begin with +1 Fs, +1 Wound
51- Violence solves everything. Begin with +3 Ws
52- The gun is mightier than the sword. Begin with +3 BS
53- Thought begets heresy, Heresy begets retribution. Begin with +3 S
54- Men must die so that man endures. Begin with +3 T
55- To war is to be human. Begin with +3 Ag
56- A wise man learns from the death of others. Begin with +3 Int
57- A suspicious mind is a healthy mind. Begin with +3 Per
58- Die if you must, but not with your spirit broken. Begin with + 3 Wp
59- Be a boon to your brothers and a bane to your enemies. Begin with +3 Fs
60- There is nothing to fear but failure. Begin with +3 Wounds
61- Do not ask why you serve, only ask how. Begin with +2 Ws, +2 Bs
62- Strike fast and suddenly. Begin with +2 Ws +2 Ag
63- Death is the servant of the righteous. Begin with +2 Ws. +2 S
64- True faith is blind and justified. Begin with +2 Ws, +2 Wp
65- Be but a weapon in the hand of the Emperor. Begin with +2 Bs, +2 T
66- Walk softly and carry a big gun. Begin with +2 Bs, +2 Ag
67- Know thine enemy. Begin with +2 Bs, +2 Int
68- Brave are they that know everything yet fear nothing. Begin with +2 Int, +2 Wp.
69- Educate men without faith and you’ll make them nothing more than clever devil. Begin with +2 Int, +2 Per
70- A foolish man puts trust in his luck, a wise man puts his trust in the Emperor. Begin with +2 Wp, + 2 Fs
71- The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. Begin with +2 S, +2 T
72- The mortal burden is the Emperor’s greatest prize. Begin with +2 S, +2 Wounds
73- A good soldier obeys without question, a good leader commands without doubt. Begin with +2 S, +2 Int
74- Success is measured in blood, yours or the enemies. Begin with +2 T, +2 Wounds
75- There is no substitute for zeal. Begin with +2 T, +2 Wp
76- A war is easily won if one does not realise he is fighting. Begin with +2 Ag, +2 Per
77- Warriors of the Emperor seek no other reward but death. Begin with +2 Ag, +2 Fs
78- Every man is but a spark in the darkness. Begin with +2 Per, +2 Fs
79- An open mind is like fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. Begin with +2 Per, +2 Wounds
80- The mighty have no room to doubt. Begin with +2 Fs, +2 Wounds
81- The weapon slays where you hand wills it. Begin with +2 Ws, +1 S
82- The only reaction to treachery should be vengeance. Begin with +2 Bs, +1 Ag
83- There are no civilians in the battle for survival. Begin with +2 T, +1 Wound
84- Ignorance is a blessing not to be disdained by the wise. Begin with +2 Int, +1 Fs
85- In the darkness follow the light of Terra. Begin with +2 Wp +1Per
86- Everything you have been told is a lie. Begin with Paranoia, + 3 insanity points
87- Truth is subjective. Begin with Deceive, +3 Corruption Points
88- To seek the truth, one must of already seen the truth. Begin with Scrutiny, +3 Corruption points
89- Endure the present so that those who come after may continue the greater work. Begin with Survival, + 3 Insanity points
90- For every enemy without there is a hundred within. Begin with Awareness, +3 insanity points
91- The end justifies the means. Begin with Darksoul , +3 Corruption points
92- If a jobs worth doing, its worth dying for. Begin with Frenzy, + 3 insanity Points
93- Only in your deepest self is the truth of what you can be and that truth is terrible to bear. Begin with Heightened Senses (Any or Random, GMs Choice), + 3 Corruption Points
94- Hatred is the Emperor’s greatest gift to humanity. Begin with Hatred (Any or Random, GMs Choice), + 3 Insanity Points
95- -99 A mind without purpose will wander in dark places. Begin with +1 Fate
100- Trust in your fear. Begin with + 1 Fate, +1 to a Stat of your choice

Good stuff Seneca ; thanks!

Very good work there.

We have a spate of character creation on the horizon and I see this being very useful.

Interesting. I like the expanded table mate.

Only minor flaw I might see, players would probably wish to just roll high since it seems the higher numbers give the most well, benefit for the buck. Would you consider randomising the numbers to make it more of a luck divination and not 'you were born well because of the better number roll'? Just a thought, as I know the original was like this as well.

Nice work and, after a bit of playing and a few players trying out different characters, a wider range of dininations is a great thing to have!

One sugestion:

Wouldn't the trait Paranoid fit #100 better then a fate point and a random characteristic point?

When doing it, I tried to keeps the odds the same as the original table (so neither was 'better'' than the other'.) Both tables give you a 10-11% chance of a 'bad' divination (corruption points etc) and a 6% chance of an extra fate point. All the other 10 stats (weapon skill through to wounds) are represented equally, with an equal chance of getting + 1-3 on any given stat. There are about 10 random skills/talents with a negative trait aswell, for flavour as much as anything else.

As for the bonus's getting better the higher you roll i didn;t see much problem in that. It was the general format as the original, and it makes sense i suppose. By all means feel free to swap numbers and resuts around to suit your own players. Especially if they are in the habit of always rolling high for divination gran_risa.gif

The only reason that paranoia is not at the 'top of the shop ' is quite simple. I really wanted to use that talent in conjunction with the phrase 'everything you have been told is a lie'. I know i could of easily had a reshuffle, but i tried to keep the skeleton of the table the same as the the original, By all means adapt it to your own thoughts. M group love this divination table, and best of all, it means that you rarely get the same two divinations in a single group.