Hi chaps
Got a bit bored with the same old divination table (aftrer a few characters in the same group with the same divination). So i knocked up a broader table with some extra results. Please note there is still more or less the same chance of getting a 'bad' result or a 'good' result (ie +1 fate point). We just use this table now. Everyone in my group loves it, so feel free to use it as you wish.
Imperial Divination
01- Mutation without, corruption within. Begin with Minor Mutation
02- Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those that prosper may judge what is sane Begin with 3 Insanity Points
03- Sins in the heart turn all to decay. Begin with 3 Corruption Points
04- Dark dreams lie upon the heart . Begin with 2 Corruption Points, 1 Insanity Point
05- Every soul wavers between the Void and the Emperor’s light. Begin with 2 Insanity Points, 1 Corruption Point
06- Innocence is an illusion. Begin with 1 Corruption Point, 1 Insanity Point
07- When you stare into the warp, the warp stares back at you. Begin with 2 Corruption Points
08- Innocence proves nothing. Begin with 2 Insanity Points
09- Power corrupts. Begin with 1 Corruption Point
10- Choice is the one burden we need not suffer. Begin with 1 Insanity Point
11- Vengeance is yours. Begin with +1 Ws
12- Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Begin with +1 BS
13- The strongest are strong alone. Begin with +1 S
14- The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation . Begin with +1 T
15- To withdraw in disgust is not cowardice. Begin with +1 Ag
16- The truly wise are always afraid . Begin with +1 Int
17- Be watchful, be wary. Darkness stalks us all. Begin with +1 Per
18- To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor. Begin with + 1 Wp
19- Seek no reward except the satisfaction of thy master. Begin with +1 Fs
20- Only in death does duty end. Begin with +1 Wound
21- Through the destruction of your enemies gain your salvation. +2 Ws
22- Let the impure bow before your guns . Begin with +2 Bs
23- Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. Begin with +2 S
24- It is better to die for the Emperor than live for yourself. Begin with +2 T
25- Kill the alien before it can speak its lies. Begin with +2 Ag
26- Never forgive, never forget. Begin with + 2 Int
27- Every lone spirit doubts his strength. Begin with +2 Per
28- Faith is your shield. Begin with +2 Wp
29- Men united in the purpose of the Emperor shall live forever in his memory. Begin with + 2 Fs
30- The only true fear is dying with your duty not done. Begin with +2 Wounds
31- Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. Begin with +1 Ws, +1 Bs
32- Serve the Emperor today, tomorrow you may be dead. Begin with +1 Ws +1 Ag
33- The lot of courage is to be sacrificed upon the altar of battle. Begin with +1 Ws. +1 S
34- Carry the Emperor’s will as your torch and with it destroy the shadows. Begin with +1 Ws, +1 Wp
35- There is no arguing with the barrel of a gun.. Begin with +1 Bs, +1 T
36- Honour the craft of death. Begin with +1 Bs, +1 Ag
37- Analysis is the bane of conviction. Begin with +1 Bs, +1 Int
38- Wisdom is the beginning of fear. Begin with+1 Int, +1 Wp
39- Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. Begin with +1 Int, +1 Per
40- Seek honour as you act and you will know no fear. Begin with +1 Wp, + 1 Fs
41- A warriors death is honour itself. Begin with +1 S, +1 T
42- The martyr’s grave is the keystone of the Imperium. Begin with +1 S, +1 Wound
43- Find true strength through your strength of mind . Begin with +1 S, +1 Int
44- Pain is an illusion of the senses. Despair an illusion of the mind. Begin with +1 T, +1 Wound
45- Faith without deeds is worthless. Begin with +1 T, +1 Wp
46- No barrier will thwart your purpose. Begin with +1 Ag, +1 Per
47- There is only the Emperor, he is our shield and protector. Begin with +1 Ag, +1 Fs
48- Where there is uncertainty, bring light. Begin with +1 Per, +1 Fs
49- The Emperor is our guardian, but we must also guard the Emperor. Begin with +1 Per, +1 Wound
50- Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Begin with +1 Fs, +1 Wound
51- Violence solves everything. Begin with +3 Ws
52- The gun is mightier than the sword. Begin with +3 BS
53- Thought begets heresy, Heresy begets retribution. Begin with +3 S
54- Men must die so that man endures. Begin with +3 T
55- To war is to be human. Begin with +3 Ag
56- A wise man learns from the death of others. Begin with +3 Int
57- A suspicious mind is a healthy mind. Begin with +3 Per
58- Die if you must, but not with your spirit broken. Begin with + 3 Wp
59- Be a boon to your brothers and a bane to your enemies. Begin with +3 Fs
60- There is nothing to fear but failure. Begin with +3 Wounds
61- Do not ask why you serve, only ask how. Begin with +2 Ws, +2 Bs
62- Strike fast and suddenly. Begin with +2 Ws +2 Ag
63- Death is the servant of the righteous. Begin with +2 Ws. +2 S
64- True faith is blind and justified. Begin with +2 Ws, +2 Wp
65- Be but a weapon in the hand of the Emperor. Begin with +2 Bs, +2 T
66- Walk softly and carry a big gun. Begin with +2 Bs, +2 Ag
67- Know thine enemy. Begin with +2 Bs, +2 Int
68- Brave are they that know everything yet fear nothing. Begin with +2 Int, +2 Wp.
69- Educate men without faith and you’ll make them nothing more than clever devil. Begin with +2 Int, +2 Per
70- A foolish man puts trust in his luck, a wise man puts his trust in the Emperor. Begin with +2 Wp, + 2 Fs
71- The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. Begin with +2 S, +2 T
72- The mortal burden is the Emperor’s greatest prize. Begin with +2 S, +2 Wounds
73- A good soldier obeys without question, a good leader commands without doubt. Begin with +2 S, +2 Int
74- Success is measured in blood, yours or the enemies. Begin with +2 T, +2 Wounds
75- There is no substitute for zeal. Begin with +2 T, +2 Wp
76- A war is easily won if one does not realise he is fighting. Begin with +2 Ag, +2 Per
77- Warriors of the Emperor seek no other reward but death. Begin with +2 Ag, +2 Fs
78- Every man is but a spark in the darkness. Begin with +2 Per, +2 Fs
79- An open mind is like fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. Begin with +2 Per, +2 Wounds
80- The mighty have no room to doubt. Begin with +2 Fs, +2 Wounds
81- The weapon slays where you hand wills it. Begin with +2 Ws, +1 S
82- The only reaction to treachery should be vengeance. Begin with +2 Bs, +1 Ag
83- There are no civilians in the battle for survival. Begin with +2 T, +1 Wound
84- Ignorance is a blessing not to be disdained by the wise. Begin with +2 Int, +1 Fs
85- In the darkness follow the light of Terra. Begin with +2 Wp +1Per
86- Everything you have been told is a lie. Begin with Paranoia, + 3 insanity points
87- Truth is subjective. Begin with Deceive, +3 Corruption Points
88- To seek the truth, one must of already seen the truth. Begin with Scrutiny, +3 Corruption points
89- Endure the present so that those who come after may continue the greater work. Begin with Survival, + 3 Insanity points
90- For every enemy without there is a hundred within. Begin with Awareness, +3 insanity points
91- The end justifies the means. Begin with Darksoul , +3 Corruption points
92- If a jobs worth doing, its worth dying for. Begin with Frenzy, + 3 insanity Points
93- Only in your deepest self is the truth of what you can be and that truth is terrible to bear. Begin with Heightened Senses (Any or Random, GMs Choice), + 3 Corruption Points
94- Hatred is the Emperor’s greatest gift to humanity. Begin with Hatred (Any or Random, GMs Choice), + 3 Insanity Points
95- -99 A mind without purpose will wander in dark places. Begin with +1 Fate
100- Trust in your fear. Begin with + 1 Fate, +1 to a Stat of your choice