Lords of the Rive Arrive

By Old Dwarf, in Battles of Westeros

Well I was really suprised Saturday when I founf Lords of the River on my porch.I had no Shipped notice onthis preorder but there it was.The Figs are really great,not a bender in the group.The new terrain pieces Swamp,Lake ,Hidden Ford and Outpost look cool.

The Outpost has two tokens a Barracks Icon & a Tower Icon which give it different effects.The Tully Gambit Cards,Riverborn Raid and Brother-In -Arms offer intersesing choices (I've become a real fan of Gambit Cards)and the 3 Battles Plans offer Tully/Stark forces vs Lannister.

I think the Vale Expansion sort of overshadowed this Expansion but LoTR looks to be well worth it.Oh the new plastic Banners with the Tully flags stickies are really nice,I'm glad those cardboard Banners & crappy thick plastic poles were done away with.


Awesome. Now get some gaming in and report back on how the scenarios go. :)

What are the names of the three scenarios? When do they take place?

I grabbed this yesterday at my FLGS- excellent value for the money! Agree the minis are great and the rest of components are cool.

I don't remember the scenario names, but the first was a Tully/Stark party ambushing some Lannister 'foragers', the second involved Tully/Stark forces head-to-head with the Lannisters, and the last was Tully/Stark heading into the Westerlands and raiding a Lannister wagon train. Based on the personalities involved I think they all are between Robb arriving in the Riverlands and him departing for his campaign to the west.


Finally had a chance a few nights ago to really dig into the cards that came with the game. Lots of Blue Tully Longbows on the Skirmish Cards, could get pretty brutal....
