Several Questions

By dobbs37tdg, in Runewars

1. Is the special ability for the elven scorcess unit the same as drawing a route or does the owner of the elf faction get to pick wich unit gets routed?

2. Ive played the game a few times now and it seems like the undead and uthuk have significant military advantages (especially in a 2 player game) when fighting against the elves or the humans. Often my friend and I will play runewars 1v1 epic games, and the player of the uthuk or undead has always won when playing against the light side factions. Are there any strategy suggestions for playing the elf or human factions?

3. Do routed units count towards the area limit during winter?

4. If you only have a routed unit(s) in an area do you control that area?

Thank you! I tried to make sure these questions wernt discussed in other topics but I appologize if I overlooked.

dobbs37tdg said:

1. Is the special ability for the elven scorcess unit the same as drawing a route or does the owner of the elf faction get to pick wich unit gets routed?

The non-elf player chooses which unit. But it's not the same as a Rout - the Elven Sorceress ability forces the chosen unit to RETREAT, which forces them to immediately leave the area. This means that even if the player has the Rally Cry card, the chosen unit is completely out of the battle because it's no longer in the area.

dobbs37tdg said:

2. Ive played the game a few times now and it seems like the undead and uthuk have significant military advantages (especially in a 2 player game) when fighting against the elves or the humans. Often my friend and I will play runewars 1v1 epic games, and the player of the uthuk or undead has always won when playing against the light side factions. Are there any strategy suggestions for playing the elf or human factions?

Focus on Influence, as most runes will come into play with influence bids. In my 2-player games, the Latari and Daqan tend to win more than the evil factions, because while military is important, it's only one part of the equation. Even in smaller games, you have to balance things to really be successful.

dobbs37tdg said:

3. Do routed units count towards the area limit during winter?

Yes, ALL units controlled by you (including routed units and allied neutral units) count towards the regular limit of 8 units, and towards the food limit in winter.

dobbs37tdg said:

4. If you only have a routed unit(s) in an area do you control that area?

Yes, as long as you have units you control there, you control the area, even if they are all routed.

For what it's worth, you also control an area if the area only has a Stronghold (and no units). And you ALWAYS control your home areas, even if there are no units there; the only exception is if there are actually enemy units/strongholds in the home area (then they control it).

Finally, note that any time you move into an area controlled by an enemy, even if the area only has routed units, and empty stronghold, or an empty home realm, it will start a battle (even if it's a completely one-sided battle).