Deathwatch Character Sheet Generator

By Tricky110974, in Deathwatch

I am unable to get this to work.

I'm using Office 365 E3, Excel 2013 and none of the functions work. I've removed protection from the workbook with no results.

Anything I'm missing here?

Run-time error 1004

Method Activate of object _Worksheet failed.

Any suggestions?

Be advised, this does not work with Excel 2013, it works fine with 2010.

Be advised, this does not work with Excel 2013, it works fine with 2010.

I can't speak to Excel 2010, but I concur - 2013/365 is a no-go. Anyone have a work around or know something the Surgeon and I have missed?

I am using:

Microsoft Excel 2013 (15.0.4701.1001) MSO (15.0.4701.1000) 32-bit

Part of Microsoft Office 365

It won't work on Mac Office and I don't expect it to work on the web version. Not sure about 64-bit (I know there are limitations).

I don't have any addins enabled.

My group has finally returned to Deathwatch so there is a chance that there will be some updates. What I have found though is that it is easier to add content without validation (i.e. Talent prerequisites, other than Rank, are ignored) and where the rules are an exception (Blood Ravens having any 2 lore skills), using Elite Advances are the way to go.

Edited by Tricky110974

NEW VERSION [v1r4 20150316] AVAILABLE!!!


  • Lightning Claws now cost 30 and then 15.
  • Mk VI Power Armor now adds +10 Agility (thanks Luthor Lightfoot)


  • Blood Ravens Chapter (from Honour the Chapter) added, but you need to use Elite Advances to add bonus skills and second skill from the 'any two' Advances.
  • Character sheet has 'little dots' that show how many Characteristic Advances you have bought.

Minor update:

v1r5 (20150320)


  • Blood Ravens starting skills - no need to add as elite advances. Still need to use elite advance for (any two) lore skills.
  • 'Little Dots' showing characteristic advances have been made a little clearer.

New Version: v1 r6 20150321

This is a bit of an experiment...


  • You can now select Advances as soon as you have chosen you Chapter and Specialty. This allows you to see what you Characteristic Advance costs will be before you generate your characteristics scores.
  • You can now reset you Characteristics! This will reset your scores to 30. Advances and Equipment will still be included but you can re-roll your scores. Note that this will check you current Advances and remove any that you no longer meet the prerequisites for. You will be refunded the XP.

If people can let me know what content they are specifically wanting, I will try and prioritise the development. Advanced Specialties are the most complex to add so these may not be top of the list.

New Version: v1r7 20150330


  • Terminator Power Armour now adjust Characteristics.
  • Increased Strength bonus from Chainfists, Power Fist and Thunder Hammer isn't added elsewhere.


  • You can hide 'free' Advances. This allows you to only see Advances that you have bought with XP.
  • Astates Storm Shield increase AP to Body and Left Arm.
  • Force Field Rating shown on sheet.
Edited by Tricky110974

I always thought, that a simple character generator couldn't be so difficult to create. I was proven wrong. I created a Deathwatch Character Generator myself as a Java Application and after nearly 150 hours of coding (never had any programming skill before, well not at a notable scale) I am close to have just copied the creation process of the core rulebook, but there is so much more to be done, guess there won't be a usable release in the next years :) .

With that, I wanted to express my respects for your work.


I wanted to learn Java but didn't have the time so stuck to what I know. The two main challenges I found were volume of information and the number of exceptional rules for specific elements of the game.

Yes, the two main challenging things are the amount of information scattered throughout the books and the constant applying of additional special rules..

sadly I cannot use your Character Sheet because I neither have Excel nor Windows, so I stick to the books until my or some program or even an app is ready to use :)

I am starting my first Deathwatch game and tried to dl the latest version and the link is bad. Any chance on making it available again?

I am starting my first Deathwatch game and tried to dl the latest version and the link is bad. Any chance on making it available again?

Try this:

And I've updated my signature.

Edited by Tricky110974

Worked like a charm, thank you very much.

Power Armor History "Destroyed and Rebuilt" doesn't allow you to modify AP values. Also I created a Salamander Librarian and the "Alt Page 2" shows two Ballistic skill advancements when I didn't purchase any, but I Defiantly like the improvements so far.

Edited by Luther Lightfoot

Hello all,

I'm not sure if Tricky's still working on this project, but regardless, I'm just going to post this on the off-chance that this isn't stepping on any more toes than I probably am.
I've been spending quite a bit of time on this program and have been doing some major work on it. Stuff like:

  • Adding in all the Chapters from Honour The Chapter (Codex Successor and otherwise. Had to tinker a bit with the successor chapter business)
  • Fixing how AP works on the sheets so that Flesh is Weak advances can stack up properly for cases like the Mk 3 Armor
  • Finishing some unfinished work on the Custom Chapter Generator so now it can completely work regardless of if it's rolled for or chosen.
  • Adding in all the Chapter-Specific Advanced Specialties in a way that's close enough to how they work (Especially the Furioso and the Wolf Scout. Bothersome, those two)
  • General tweaks (including how those pick-two lores the Blood Ravens have post. As they were, it's messy)
  • Adding in the armories of First Founding, Rites of Battle, First Founding, and Honour the Chapter (There are others in the other books, but I didn't do them. Yet.)

If it's considered in good form to post it up, I'm more than willing to. If it's doable, I think I can work on finishing the Armor History effects next. As for Squad and Solo Modes...that's a whole other bag of worms I'm not sure how to begin with.


Completely forgot the link. Should have shared that. Maybe.

Edited by ELoHim

Not stepping on toes. I think I said in an earlier post that I removed all protect so that others could continue what I had begun. I only really work on the project when my group is playing Deathwatch. Will check out what you've done and thanks for taking this forward.

Hi ELoHim!

The link leads to a OneDrive / Excel Online thingy that doesn't seem to download with all the VB features correctly. Do you have a direct download link? :)

Hi ELoHim!

The link leads to a OneDrive / Excel Online thingy that doesn't seem to download with all the VB features correctly. Do you have a direct download link? :)

Try this.

Thank you very much !

does this not work on open office? tried macros enabled etc and it dosent seem to work?

does this not work on open office? tried macros enabled etc and it dosent seem to work?

It also uses VBA. As far as I can tell, OpenOffics doesn't use VBA.