Just picked this one up recently (interesting twist) but still had a few questions on gameplay.
So I understand how the links on the conspiracy track work: 4 links to the center, each one counts as 1 link to any of the outer pieces on the board, and if two center tracks attach to one of the outer tracks it counts as two links. My question is:
What happens if 1 of the 4 center conspiracy tracks links itself to 2 separate outer tracks. For example: The bottom track from the center piece connects to both the "Commissoner Dawn" and "Human First" tracks? Do you choose 1 of the two to receive the bonus, or both?
2nd question came up when a puzzle pile went away. The rules state: "If the player's draw exhausted a given pile, any hero markers that were next to that pile (other than his own) are advanced to the next-most valuable pile (or next-least valuable pile, if no more-valuable piles remain).
What does the "other than his own" mean in this rule? Does this mean that the player who drew the last piece of let's say the "Shift" pieces stay in the now empty puzzle space and is forced to dig deeper on his next turn to advance to the "Favor" pieces or "Baggage" if the favors are empty as well?
In other example question, what if the "Baggage" pieces were the first pile to empty (very rare, but possible). Do all the markers move to the "Favor" pieces or "Shift" if no favors remain? Or does the player who drew the last piece once again remain in the "Empty" pile space?
UPDATE: Maybe I thought about this too hard. I assume you just follow the order of the rules as stated on this page of the rules. First, the player who drew the piece moves his own marker to the least valuable pile with pieces available, and THEN moves the other players if the pile he drew from was emptied.