Legendary Character

By Rubinon, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

How do you think FFG will handle the design of the legendary character (Bran, Lann, Balerion or Lyonel) that'll win the storyline-league?

Will it just be a normal character, or will they introduce a special icon (like the Alternate Universe Icon in ST:CCG or the Episode One Icon in SW:CCG)? Maybe a character that doesn't behave like a character (can't participate in challenges), but that has a cool special ability?

Personally, I don't like the idea of my characters fighting alongside the legendary X. (I remember the discussion about this when Rhaegar was printed. I don't mind him, nor Arthur Dayne, nor Jon Arryn, should he come along, but I do mind characters dead for hundreds of years.) I'd rather see a card with the title "Lann the Clever", that's not a character, but a... I don't know. A condition, maybe, that boosts all the characters of the house it belongs to. Or a "Legend" cardtype with interaction with the storyteller trait. But the news article says "character", so I don't get my hopes up.

would lyonel with a bunch of rainwood knights, bastard in hiding, and Tryell bannermen be that big of a deal?

There is room in the game to use the legendary characters as you want, or to have a 'fantasy' battle across all timelines (as a lot of Star Wars games are)

Lars said:

would lyonel with a bunch of rainwood knights, bastard in hiding, and Tryell bannermen be that big of a deal?

There is room in the game to use the legendary characters as you want, or to have a 'fantasy' battle across all timelines (as a lot of Star Wars games are)

Or just think of those characters as ideas and Legends that exist in others heads and still influence them over the time. After all it´s just cards representing characters.