I know not info is given on this Game but other Games when announced have started a lot of speculation posts.This Forum however is totally dead which leaves me to wonder does anyone plan to buy this Game or at least consider getting it?
I know not info is given on this Game but other Games when announced have started a lot of speculation posts.This Forum however is totally dead which leaves me to wonder does anyone plan to buy this Game or at least consider getting it?
I played giganten...not one of my favorites, not a bad game either however.
I have considered this game....but it's not at the top of my list.
Well... I prefer more getting my hands dirty with blood instead of oil
I guess thats the problem with most games. People just like more killing monsters than getting goods. But I enjoy Citadel, for example, so... if the mechanics will be cleverly executed, I suppose I could get it. But yes, the topic (on the first sight) is not my cup of tea. We shall see later.
Tyrichter said:
People just like more killing monsters than getting goods.
If by "people" you mean "FFG fans", then I'd agree with you. I don't think it's generally true of gamers at large.
Trump said:
Tyrichter said:
People just like more killing monsters than getting goods.
If by "people" you mean "FFG fans", then I'd agree with you. I don't think it's generally true of gamers at large.
In fact, by "people" I usually mean myself
I like games like this makes a nice change yes generation kill want death so it probably wont do as well as it deserves to.
Nivanti said:
I like games like this makes a nice change yes generation kill want death so it probably wont do as well as it deserves to.
Said person with Dust Tactics, Tannhauser and Wings of War in his favorites
Too many good games released right now, not the time to play them all. Cant care less about this one.
Ivan Kerensky said:
Too many good games released right now, not the time to play them all. Cant care less about this one.
I could not agree more. I have a ton of awesome games that I just do not have the time to play. I think game companies need to take a year and put their brain power to solving the energy crisis or something. And then start making games again.
I think FFG is looking to tap a different kind of market with this game, or appeal to a different set of players. It is pretty different than alot of their other games. The theme and mechanics don't really domuch for me, but at the same time if someone asked me to play, I'd try it. It could be fun, but right now I'm so much more interested in co-op gaming that I'd like to see FFG put more effort into designing those types of games (even if they are BSG style team co-op).
I think I'm going to pre-order this game. The rule book was released yesterday, and I went through it. It seems like a game that my wife and I would enjoy playing. She's not a fan of BSG, and only tolerates Arkham if I get our mutual friends to play. She loves Catan and Ticket to Ride, so this seems like it would be something she might like.
I appreciate FFG's reaching out to a different type of gamer, as long as their dedication to interesting gameplay and quality components holds up.
Are we close to a release date on this? Anyone from FFG stop by and let us know?
its about to be released 22-23rd June 2011 in Poland (rebel.pl)
180 PLN = 46 EUR
I plan to give it a shot at Gencon. It looks interesting.