i have a question regarding the event deck running out of cards. I swear i read somethin about the sm losing if that happened but after reading the rules, faq and searching the forums I cant seem to find anything about it does anybody know what happens when u bleed the event deck dry it never happened to me but my last game came close with only one card left
event deck question
Shouldn't your marines be dead long before that
As to it being mentioned in the rules:
"When a deck of cards runs out (excluding
the Location deck) its discard pile is shuffled to form
a new deck." (p. 30)
Open PDF -> Search for "shuffle" -> click on result
How is that possible? Do you have a special deck of Event Cards that has Swarm card every second card in a row or something? Because I canĀ“t imagine, how could you achieve that
I think if you aggressively use Forward Scouting and dump all major spawn cards you see to the bottom, your duration at each location increases. Combine with Intimidate to shuffle back GS to the smaller blip pile to prevent travelling, I think it might be possible. Personally I prefer to rush forward as fast as possible, giving the Events as little time as possible to screw me over.
Nicely said. Now I guess, it is possible. But my tactics is to advance. There is no need to stay, and if you do, the events will probably crush you.
broodlord ending with bad rolls nothing was dying