Just wanted to make an obvious observation. The manual for Bearded Brave says it comes with 3 Arbalestiers units and 2 Bolt Thrower units but really there's only 2 Arbalestiers units since the third unit has to be split up to man the Bolt Throwers. Am I right or did I get shorted 4 more crossbow figures? Some of the Call to Arms cards will not work together because of this unless the core set crossbowmen are to be crew only. Bear Riders are ehh, Dwarves don't ride anything but that's just my opinion...
As far as Code of Chivalry goes I'm let down that we didn't get more Halberdiers and got tons more Arbalestiers but oh well. Not sue how I feel about the new rules for Arbalestiers either being able to move and shoot, will have to play a few more times to see. I really don't like the models for the new Long Sword mounted Knights, poorly done and I think I'll use them for Green Banner Cavalry since they remind me of the Green Infantry. On a positive note I really love the model for the Foot Knights, outstanding IMO, and I like the rule change to the Lancer Knights, seems to make more since giving them a more offensive capability when ordered to charge given they have lances and all...
Overall I really love this game and sincerely hope FFG continues to produce more expansions.
Thoughts anyone?