Rune puzzle

By msmithamp, in Mansions of Madness

Just a quick question. If you are solving a rune puzzle, lets say #8 which pieces do you deal out? I believe there are three total rune puzzles; however, do you only use the pieces from puzzle #8 or all 20+ pieces when dealing the random starting board? It seems that if you use all the pieces from all three puzzles it would take the whole game to solve it, considering it takes 2 intellect to swap a piece with a new one...

Any advice?



Deal out all the tiles that share the number of the puzzle you are attempting to solve. Puzzle #8 has eight pieces coincidentally, so deal just those eight in the 4x2 pattern as shown on the exploration card.

A couple things here:

1) When you play a puzzle, you layout the peices in a random order of the pattern shown on the card.

2) The card tells you what peices to use (Rune puzzle 8)

3) As per the instruction book, the only action you can take with a rune puzzle is swap, you can not draw or rotate.

FrostyWolf said:

A couple things here:

1) When you play a puzzle, you layout the peices in a random order of the pattern shown on the card.

2) The card tells you what peices to use (Rune puzzle 8)

3) As per the instruction book, the only action you can take with a rune puzzle is swap, you can not draw or rotate.

Your #1 point is confusing. You randomize the tiles according to what the puzzle type is, but you draw them one at a time and place them in rows (not randomly) starting in the top left corner according to the card. The arrows on each tile always face to the north (away from) where the player is sitting.

Thats what I said with more words. The basics for laying out puzzles is very clearly and well covered in the instruction booklet if my statement wasn't clear enough to understand. I was mearly pointing out the things that where relevent to this discussion.