Question on third clue vs objective reveal...

By msmithamp, in Mansions of Madness

I am sure this is in the instructions somewhere but I could not find it.

Played scenario 1 last night and we had event 4 happen, where the keeper revealed the objective card. However our investigators had not found the third clue yet. Because the objective card has been revealed, do we the investigators simply try to complete the final objective and ignore the third clue (technically I guess this is the first clue becuase they get revealed in reverse order...)? Or do we have to first grab the third clue then attempt the final objective?

Don't want to reveal the objective but needless to say given the fact that we had only 3 turns until event 5 occurred it ended in a draw. We decided that since the objective was infact revealed we could skip the third clue.



The clues are there to lead the investigators towards their objective, and revealing the overall objective. Technically the investigators do not need to reveal any clues to win the game, but without revealing clues they will have a very hard time figuring out how to win or keep the keeper from winning. Depending on what's happening in the game it could be a very good idea to abandon getting clues to take other actions.

This is not always the case, sometimes a clue triggers an event needed for the players to win (eg "Fall of the house of Lynch" clue/objective 1A)

Exactly what I thought. Not wantint to reveal to much, but here is my spoiler alert!!!

The game we played has the final objective stating the investigators need to flee out of the house. Now I forget which objective this is tied to however could the investigators simply on the first turn leave the house and win the game? This was my question because technically I do not think the clues reveal anything you need to take from the house to win the game. How would this be resolved?

No, the investigators can't do that.

From Page 16 of the Rule Book:

In such circumstances, investigators are allowed to escape off of the game
board. Investigators may only escape if the Objective card has been
revealed and it specifically instructs them to escape.

So they have to wait until the objective is revealed before they may try to escape.