Escape - a question

By Gabriel Luna, in Mansions of Madness

We had a question from our first run through last night: Is there any way to prevent an "escaping" monster from moving past an investigator?

Granted, the monster was a shoggoth so there's few forces on earth that could actually stop it from moving past an investigator, but system-wise is there any way to do that? We made a desperate stand with the Elder Sign in the Foyer trying to keep it away from that door, which was actually a hell of a lot of fun (we lost and my wife started her Keeper career off with a win) but it highlighted the issue for us. Investigators have to evade to move out of a monster space, and monsters can move freely, but what if the investigators are actively trying to prevent something from moving past?

There's nothing in the rules to prevent monsters moving, so it comes down to trying to kill or stun the thing. We played that very scenario last night, and managed to luck out by having the foyer catch fire and Sister Mary keep the demon at bay with her rosary.

Works for me. Thanks for the analysis!