Question from First Playthrough

By dante42, in Mansions of Madness

Last night we had our first run through. We had a full compliment of people and the game is a lot of fun. We ran into one small snag with our dear keeper though.

Can the UncontrollableUrges keeper card be used to make a character with a shotgun shoot the other people?

Twelve threat later and the game is not as fun. The next round he hit us again four times. Finally the two gun wielders dropped thier guns and we all scattered around the board to avoid this.

Scenario 5 specifically mentions that the keeper can make players attack each other, implying that it's not allowed in the earlier ones.

Considering the attack action for an investigator is limited to attacking monsters, I doubt that is a legal move.

Laurence J Sinclair said:

Scenario 5 specifically mentions that the keeper can make players attack each other, implying that it's not allowed in the earlier ones.

This. Unless specifically stated/exceptioned, such as with scenario #5, the Keeper cannot make players attack other players because they are not normally considered monsters, and the investigator action is for attacking monsters.

Read the errata card that comes with the game. I says right on it that you can only use Uncontrollable urges on a VALID target. A player attacking a player is NOT a valid target. The expample it gives is a player using a sedative on another player that doesn't have tramua.

Here's my question from my first game:

Is there anything stopping you from playing multiple movements all at once? I was doing scenario 1B of the Fall of House Lynch, and I started my turn by placing the 2nd sample on the altar (do I need to activate the card to do this?), then used my stockpiled 10 threat to book the shoggoth to the victory condition. It seemed insane that I could beeline like that, as the players had no recourse.. but they were also taking their sweet time exploring as well and I always stockpiled my threat for wild-ass runs with the maniacs.

Command Minion does say "You may only use this card once per monster each game round." This would prevent the Shoggoth from moving more then 2 spaces. (A Maniac could move 3 spaces because Take Sample lets you move one space.)

Oh wow. How did I miss that? I feel like an idiot now.

My scenario 5 states that "The keeper may not use Uncontrollable Urges to make an investigator attack another investigator with a spell", and uncontrollable urges read "you may move him to an adjacent space or force him to resolve an action from 1 of his spell, equipment, artifact, or tome cards." By reading these I'd have to say that you cannot use uncontrollable urges to attack players but in all scenarios (with the exception of 5), use could use it to make a player cast a harmful spell on another player.

Shrivelling and bind monster specifically target monsters....not investigators. Its impossible to make an investigator cast shrivelling on another investigator.

Yes, the spell would need a valid target, however in scenario 5 the other players may "attack each other as if they were humanoid monsters". But the keeper cannot make an investigator attack another with a spell while using "uncontrollable urges". However, if a player chose to attack another player on their turn with a spell I think (in scenario 5) that they could.

The only way I see to make an Investigator attack another is through the 'Friend?' Trauma card. cool.gif

K xx