I think that the Black Crusade is not a game. It is hoax specifically designed by the Inquisition in cooperation with FFG to lure out the hiding heretics out of the shadows.
Folks, beware. The =I= will soon come.
I think that the Black Crusade is not a game. It is hoax specifically designed by the Inquisition in cooperation with FFG to lure out the hiding heretics out of the shadows.
Folks, beware. The =I= will soon come.
I repent! Emperor have mercy!
Oh no! Imperium is evil! Horus was right!
Sebashaw said:
Horus was right!
Horus ended quite badly.
Let them come, I will share with them Nurgle's gifts.
They will find, in the end, Grandfather's mercy more genuine than their dead Emperor's hollow promises.
egalor said:
I think that the Black Crusade is not a game. It is hoax specifically designed by the Inquisition in cooperation with FFG to lure out the hiding heretics out of the shadows.
Folks, beware. The =I= will soon come.
Let them come. I need some new skulls for my altar
They're comin
And if he spends that much keeping that I lit on fire behind him, imagine what he's gonna do to you
I'm just a Sunday heretic, don't kill me outside the Weekednd, please?
well can the inquistion wait until the book's been out for a couple of months? I'd like to play it a little before i get burned at the stake.