In the fourth scenario, the keeper has the Uncontrollable Urges action and one of the exploration cards placed on the board is the Ceremonial Skull (full text listed below). I've been puzzling over these two cards, as it seems to allow the keeper to generate an infinite loop of threat gain. Yes, I realize the Skull does not always come out in the Keeper's favor, but the best odds for investigators are only 50/50 while the best odds for the Keeper range up to 80/20. Any help or work arounds to this problem would be appreciated.
Uncontrollable Urges (Threat Cost 2)
Keeper Action
Action: Choose an investigator. You may then move him to an adjacent space or force him to resolve an action from 1 of his Spell, equipment, artifact, or tome cards. You make all required choices.
Ceremonial Skull
Gain +2 Lore
Action: Test your Luck.
Pass: Gain 3 skill points.
Fail: Keeper gains 4 threat.