Descent in the Mythos?

By Steve-O, in Mansions of Madness

I recently heard someone make an off-handed comment about hwo Mansions of Madness is basically Descent in the mythos. Is this true?

Knowing FFG, the mechanics wouldn't be exactly the same anyway, but do the mechanics for MoM have even a remotely similar game engine to Descent? Or are they completely different?

Just curious, really.

Steve-O said:

I recently heard someone make an off-handed comment about hwo Mansions of Madness is basically Descent in the mythos. Is this true?

Knowing FFG, the mechanics wouldn't be exactly the same anyway, but do the mechanics for MoM have even a remotely similar game engine to Descent? Or are they completely different?

Just curious, really.

If you are interested in how the mechanics work the rule book .pdf has been released on the support page.

The simple answer though (from not having played yet, but having read the rulebook and looked through the components) is that the mechanics are not at all like Descent. The games main structure is like Descent though, in that there is a single overlord playing against a team of heroes, but the actual mechanics of how the game plays out don't seem similar at all. For one, MoM uses a combination card and die combat system, and in general the game doesn't seem to be as combat driven.