I created this system for keeping track of what's being carried by the Astartes. It assumes that unlimited ammunition is NOT the standard. Here we go...
A Space Marine can carry a number of Load Points equal to the sum of his Strength Bonus and Toughness Bonus (SB+TB). Every point of Load in excess of this value applies a -5 Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, and Agility. This will adjust movement rate and may cause Talents to become temporarily unavailable if a score is reduced below the Prerequisites.
Load is calculated with the following values:
Back Banner*..........2
Backpack Ammo Supply*..........4
Clip, Basic..........0.5
Clip, Heavy..........1
Clip, Pistol..........0.25
Demolition Charge..........0.25
Jump Pack*..........4
Melta Bomb..........1
Psychic Hood..........2
Scout Armour..........6
Storm Shield.........2
Weapon, Basic..........2
Weapon, Combat Knife..........1
Weapon, Heavy..........4
Weapon, Melee (One-Handed)..........2
Weapon, Melee (Two-Handed)..........3
Weapon, Pistol..........1
Weapon, Storm Bolter..........3
* Only one of these items may be carried by any given Space Marine.
Note that the Combat Knife and the Storm Bolter have specific values different from most weapons of their type. The Combat Knife is smaller than most Melee Weapons while the Storm Bolter is bigger than most Basic Weapons. Power Armour does not add to Load, and it allows more to be carried by increasing the wearer's SB. Scout Armour is unpowered and thus adds Load. Most other items can be eyeballed and given a Load value determined by the GM.
Using this system, the basic Load of the specialties is as follows:
Apothecary: 11.5 (includes 8 Basic Clips and 4 Pistol Clips)
Assault Marine: 11.5 (includes 8 Pistol Clips)
Devastator Marine: 14.5 (includes Backpack Ammo Supply, 2 Heavy Clips, and 4 Pistol Clips)
Librarian: 12.5 (includes Force Sword, 8 Basic Clips, and 4 Pistol Clips) or 13.5 (includes Force Staff, 8 Basic Clips, and 4 Pistol Clips)
Tactical Marine: 11 (includes 1 Basic Clip of Specialty Ammo, 8 Basic Clips and 4 Pistol Clips)
Techmarine: 14.5 (includes 8 Basic Clips and 4 Pistol Clips)
Since most characters will likely have a Load value of 18-20 at the start, there is still room for customization without the craziness that happens if the limits are imposed simply by the weight of items.