Lesser changes to new LCG cards

By johnny shoes, in CoC General Discussion

Cthulhu Faction is now before Syndicate. The first such shuffle?

After all Actions, Responses, and Disrupts, the first word is now capitalized.

Blackmoor Estate text box change: "from" to "of a players deck."

Power Drain text box after Disrupt: Action and Response are now in bold.

Pulled Under text box prints two CT icons instead of one, after the number 2.

Overall, the text is smaller, no line spacing within flavor text. Alhazrad's Lamp text icons thus fit better.

Many images are clearer and modified for the better in general. Peaslee, Atwood Science Hall Guardian Shoggoth, and Ocean Crawlers are good examples.

And of course Cthulhu, Hastur, and Shub are no longer Loyal.

johnny shoes said:

After all Actions, Responses, and Disrupts, the first word is now capitalized.

Thank god. FFG fixed something that's been bothering me since Arkham. No matter how much I tried to ignore it, that uncapitalized syntax drove me bonkers.

Celaeno Fragments are now Celano Fragments.

(hey, the title says lesser)

Be the next one on your block to make the list. Anything else changed in Core?

The Core Sets haven't arrived to Finland yet, otherwise I'd be looking at the cards trying to spot mistakes/changes.

One thing... The national champions were supposed to receive an "Early bird copy" of APs 5 and 6 as well as the Core Game. Well, I did receive the AP5 about the same time it arrived to the stores, but there hasn't been any sight of AP6 or the Core :/ . Using the words early bird made me think I'd get the Core before the public, but... you never know, it seems.

Unearthing the Ancients now has the "Research" Subtype.

Hastur discovered a new subtype! Brand new, never been seen before. Wow! You're a regular Magellan.

The game has five researchers (four MU and one Mi-go). It's got a research expedition, a private research facility, frenzied, new, secret, and unspeakable research.

But New Unearthing the Ancients is the real tough with subtype number 24 - Research. Slap down Dream Messenger. Break out your M.U. Science Building and yell it from the roof, "Research!" Won't do you much good. Try yelling, "Creature!" Same effect. Still, very nice. And the eighth "new" core card. Who's going to circumnavigate the globe next?

johnny shoes said:

Pulled Under text box prints two CT icons instead of one, after the number 2.

There's more to it than this small typo.

On the original card, the text reads :

Action: exhaust a character * you control * with at least 2 T icons to choose and destroy an exhausted non-Ancient One character.

On the reprint, it reads :

Action: exhaust a character with at least 2 TT icons to choose and destroy an exhausted non-Ancient One character.

I wonder if you can choose an opponent's character to exhaust ? If so, the proper wording should be "choose and exhaust" (as in Intimidate), shouldn'ti it ?

If you can exhaust without choosing first, that would make Pulled Under quite a strong card against Mythos decks.

Johan Scipion said:

johnny shoes said:

Pulled Under text box prints two CT icons instead of one, after the number 2.

There's more to it than this small typo.

On the original card, the text reads :

Action: exhaust a character * you control * with at least 2 T icons to choose and destroy an exhausted non-Ancient One character.

On the reprint, it reads :

Action: exhaust a character with at least 2 TT icons to choose and destroy an exhausted non-Ancient One character.

I wonder if you can choose an opponent's character to exhaust ? If so, the proper wording should be "choose and exhaust" (as in Intimidate), shouldn'ti it ?

If you can exhaust without choosing first, that would make Pulled Under quite a strong card against Mythos decks.

As with Lake of Glaaki, you can only exhaust characters you control as a part of a cost. It's the same here I think. What's not necessarily as clear is what actually is a cost...

Bard said:

As with Lake of Glaaki, you can only exhaust characters you control as a part of a cost. It's the same here I think. What's not necessarily as clear is what actually is a cost...

Exactly. My question is : as the card is now worded, is exhausting a char with at least 2 T still part of its cost ?

Johan Scipion said:

Bard said:

As with Lake of Glaaki, you can only exhaust characters you control as a part of a cost. It's the same here I think. What's not necessarily as clear is what actually is a cost...

Exactly. My question is : as the card is now worded, is exhausting a char with at least 2 T still part of its cost ?

I would say so, because like all (most) other cards with a cost are spelled like that. It's "[cost] to do [effect]", in this case Action: [exhaust a character with at least 2 TT icons] to [choose and destroy an exhausted non-Ancient One character].

So, are we saying it's a rules simplification, a removal of a redundancy? Seems so.

The Agensy faction has now for ally Cthulhu faction??!!!And what about the other factions?