I picked up the core set yesterday and played a game with a friend. We had a great time but came up with two points of confusion. Any help on these would be wonderful.
- On page 6 of the rule book, when it's talking about setting up the decks, it says to pick to factions and then add "one of the two neutral card packets (F141–F148 and F148–F154)." The problem is, that puts F148 in both packets. I assumed at first this was a typo, so F141-147 go in the first pack and 148-154 in the second. But I have a neutral F155 which is a conspiracy card and I don't know which pack it it supposed to go in (if any).
- The card "T-Men" (F12) has two black shield icons before its name. Both my friend and I looked through the rules and could find what these are used for.