More questions for everybody to argue about! Yay!
1. When a hero dodges a breath attack, does that in essence let everyone get the benefit of it? How we have been playing is everyone affected that didn't dodge handles the damage accordingly, then the character who dodged gets to force his re-roll to resolve damage against him. If multiple heroes dodged (but not all that were affected) then the non-dodgers take the hit, then only one re-roll is done for the dodgers.
2. So in the manual, it says that when a treasure chest is opened, each hero draws one card from the X treasure deck. The quest guide sometimes says 2 X Treasure. Does that mean each hero then gets 2, or is that just to the opening player and the rest still get 1?
3. Can you play a chest curse on a hero who did not open the chest? Can you play more than one curse per chest, since some chests say more than one curse?
4. Does Acrobatics let you traverse rubble?
5. Can monsters open doors? Can monsters from unrevealed areas open a door, thus revealing it?
Thanks for the help. Also, my friends and I would like to make the game a bit more competitive between heroes. Are there extra rules for this? I came up with a couple ideas (to list here). Any comments and/or other suggestiosn would be appreciated.
A. Only the hero who opens the chest or picks up the money marker gets the full amount. All other heroes get half. So a money marker gives 100 to the opener, 50 to the rest. A chest with 100 coins and 2 treasures only would give 50 and 1 treasure to all other heroes.
B. Whoever accumulated the most conquest tokens is considered to have completed one extra quest for the purpose of determining their level. Whoever accumulated to least conquest tokens is considered to have completed one less quest for the purpose of determining their level.
C. Every time the overlord wins, he starts a new game with +1 threat.